This kind of disorder the patient perceives as the pathology of the body that causes him to turn to physicians of various specialties: physicians, surgeons, neurologists, cardiologists, gastroenterologists, endocrinologists, gynecologists, etc. The diagnosis of NCD is very time consuming, because patients must be sent to numerous studies, in order to exclude organic pathology. Relevant question is treatment, rehabilitation, employment examination of these patients, because Disinfection NDC goes beyond the competence of doctors somatic profile. Prevalence: 33% – persons of intellectual labor, 31% – workers, employees, 35% – The first group, with the pathology of the respiratory system (chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma) – the second group, combined pathology (GB + chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma GB +) – the third group. The evaluation was conducted on a scale CESD (Depressive disorder), questionnaire, DM Mendelevich (neurotic disorders). According to the survey revealed that men dominated the investigated depressive disorders (61%), especially in the group with abnormal cardiovascular system (78%) and combined pathology (hypertension + chronic bronchitis) (60%) of women studied the largest number of neurotic disorders (68%), especially in the group with cardiovascular pathology increasing incidence of parallel increases the risk of myocardial infarction, stroke and various complications of the nervous system. u Ramsey pursues this goal as well. Efficacy of the current time is not yet sufficiently studied.
Bladder cancer is the 8th-place in the structure of cancer in men and 15th for women. In most cases the sick person over 50 years. This disease occurs usually in heavy smokers, and this explained to him twice as much exposure of men than women. Among other factors contributing to the development of cancer, a special place from toxic effects of various chemical factors – among workers paint, oil-refining industry. According to international statistics, the disease in 70% of people exposed to highly developed countries, large cities with highly developed industry and an unfavorable ecology. Common inflammatory diseases of the bladder – cystitis, papillomas and ulcers are also capable of malignant transformation. Jack Salzwedel may also support this cause. In most cases, bladder cancer – slow-growing malignant process, giving a late metastasis.
Its diagnosis is straightforward trudnostey.Diagnostika bladder cancer in Israel. The very first symptom of bladder cancer is blood in the urine when the tumor is in the first stage and affects only the epithelial membrane lining the bladder from the inside. The tumor invades the second phase already in the muscular layer of the bladder wall, causing urination disorders – dysuria. Germination of the entire wall bladder tumors in stage 3 is characterized by the addition of pain, metastasizes to nearby lymph nodes – inguinal, pelvic, iliac. Stage 4 cancer is any size tumor that has long-term metastasis – the lungs, liver, bones, etc. Glenn Dubin might disagree with that approach. To select the treatment of bladder cancer is the determining thorough examination of the patient to clarify the stages of the disease and the presence of metastases.
The most powerful healing effects have fresh herbs, namely, fresh juice, infusions and decoctions of freshly harvested plants. But to use them all year round, it is necessary to harvest for future use. This may be infusion, but more often all harvesting of medicinal herbs produced by drying. And so in grass preserved as much as possible of nutrients, it is necessary to comply with the conditions necessary for the collection, storage and drying plants. Collect leaves and grass need a clear and dry weather that they are not covered with mold during the drying of excess moisture. May also be of excess water to begin the development of harmful microorganisms. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Senator of Massachusetts. Roots can be harvested in all weathers, because in any If they must be washed before drying. The fact that collect herbs near the chemical plants and roads can not – it's everyone should know.
The bark of trees must be collected in May, when the sap flow and it is easily separated. The flowers are also harvested medicinal plants in dry weather. To dry herbs can be exclusively in the shade, in well-blown indoors or in an oven at low temperature (less than 40-500). Finish materials or not can be found as follows: if the plant fray in powder, then all is well. If the roots or bark, then they should when you break, not bend. Store raw materials can be in glass jars. Grass and leaves are usually kept to years, the roots up to 3 years. If you observe these simple rules, you success is guaranteed. And, most importantly, do not forget that only need to collect well-known medicinal plants, and you consult with your doctor, and that in fact medicines plants are also poisonous.
Blank stares on their shoes and walking – this can be an aesthetic nuisance, according to German doctors and also harmful to health effects. Causes of valgus foot deformities may be different – inter-digital pads, massage, solutions and other non-surgical methods, unfortunately also does not solve the problem of correcting foot deformities. Conversely, with age, menopause and the development of other co-morbidities significantly increases the risk of complications and adverse events during surgery to remove the strain of the foot. The purpose of the operation – a correction of various pathologies, caused by a valgus deformity: removal abnormal enlargement of the first metatarsal kostipereprofilirovanie first metatarsal relative to the surrounding paltsamivypryamlenie thumb in relation to the first metatarsal bone and adjacent paltsevpereprofilirovanie cartilage damaged arthritic big paltsapereprofilirovanie large sesamoid bone paltsarepozitsionirovanie under the first metatarsal kostyuukorochenie, extension, improvement or intervention is not on the bone structures and the muscles, tendons and ligaments. b) corrective osteotomy of the metatarsal, medial cuneiform and the proximal phalanx on the methods of Chevron / Austin, McBride, Keller-Brandes, Base-Wedge, Ssarf. II. Surgical resection arthroplasty: a) plastic or metatarsophalangeal joint prosthesis with the use of modern materials b) fusion – metatarsophalangeal joint fixation in orthopedics are two types of angular deflection at Classification of Hallux valgus: 1. angular deviation of IM (intermetatarsal) – deviation of the first metatarsal bone of the second 2.
angular deflection HV (angle of valgus deformity) – deviation of the first metatarsal bone of the thumb phalanx Classification as follows: The severity of lung mean angular deviation of a heavy IM 11-15 16-20 > 20 angular deviation HV 21-30 31-40 > 40 Therefore, method of operation for the treatment of Hallux valgus German doctors are chosen depending on the individual clinical case and the deflection angle. This means that at an early stage of disease at the light and sometimes an average angle of inclination preferably used invasive methods of operations that preserve the bones and joints. Therefore, to avoid increasing the deflection angles of IM and HV, progressive development of arthritis and osteoarthritis, and in some cases complete loss of mobility, it is extremely important to the health of patients is timely operations, as well as subsequent rehabilitation under supervision of qualified professionals. Length of stay in hospital for Hallux valgus surgery is 7-8 days, after which women can once again enjoy the modern fashion footwear. Dr. Victor Kramer, chief.
Tags: Diseases, medicine
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August 31, 2018 5:33 am |
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Everyone knows that vitamin A in carrots is very useful for vision. But not only this limited beneficial effects on the body of carrots. She copes with bad cholesterol, slows the growth of cancer cells and rejuvenates the body. Carotene (provitamin A) is particularly well absorbed in the form of carrot juice. Here are some recipes that have successfully adopted, using the healing properties of normal carrots. Constipation. It is useful to use crude grated carrots with a small amount of low-fat sour cream.
Angina. 2 cloves of garlic added to a glass of carrot juice. Drink half a cup 2 times a day for half an hour before meals. Anemia. cup of carrot juice mixed with glass of milk. Add 2 raw chicken egg yolk and mix thoroughly.
The resulting mixture is divided into three portions and drink for half an hour before meals. Urolithiasis. Drink 1 st.l.morkovnogo juice for 4 months, 3 times a day. Atherosclerosis and purification of the vessels. A mixture of cup carrots, cup of beet juice, cucumber juice. Mix and divide into three – four receiving and drink before a meal. Stomatitis. Rinse your mouth with carrot juice for three – four times a day. Mask for dry and loose skin. Take 5 tsp grated raw carrot, 1 tsp sour cream, 1 raw egg yolk. Mix well and apply on face for 30 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and spread baby moisturizer. Impotence. Used in any quantity of milk boiled carrots. In the upper respiratory tract infection. Carrot juice mixed with 1 cup 1ch.l. honey. It is advisable to use freshly prepared 2 times a day for cup. Myocardial infarction. 1) 2 times a day to drink juice carrots, mixed with vegetable oil (na1 / 2 cup juice 1 teaspoon butter). 2) Drink the infusion of hawthorn berries and carrot juice to 1 cup 3 times a day.
Pregnancy and pain in spineLechenie back pain in pregnancy Treatment of back pain in pregnancy – a difficult problem because of restrictions on the use of effective medication, physiotherapy and reflexology during this period. In pregnant women are also contraindicated chiropractic and massage therapy. Truly 'lifeline' in a series of treatments are nemedikamntoznyh osteopathic techniques. Osteopathic techniques are the basis of Osteopathy and Applied Kinesiology. Through a soft, smooth and precise impact they have provided invaluable assistance particularly for pregnant women. Treatment methods of Osteopathy and Applied Kinesiology, allows a woman during the pregnancy to maintain a comfortable feeling, easier childbirth and postpartum period.Prichiny back pain in pregnant women Pregnant women often complain of back pain, heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, belching, swelling. All these complaints are not related, it would seem, with each other may be due to common causes – stress the diaphragm. To get rid of these evils and discomfort, which contribute to and already difficult period in a woman's life, in some cases it is enough just one of osteopathic treatments.
Why is there such painful discomfort? Diaphragm – a large dome-shaped muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen. It is the main muscle involved in the act of breathing. The muscles, "legs" diaphragm is attached to the spine. When you inhale the diaphragm descends, the lungs expand, respectively, while exhalation rises, while the lungs are compressed. The growing uterus is pressing the liver, stomach and diaphragm. Last completely omitted.
As a result, the diaphragm feet never relax, from which, sooner or later there is a sense of sustained pain in his back. Yes, it is in the back, lumbar region, as the 'legs' that is where the diaphragm are attached to the spine. In addition, the lungs in pregnant women is not fully extended, respectively, in their congestions occur, which manifests dyspnea, especially in the 'supine'.
Tags: Diseases, medicine
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January 24, 2018 6:18 am |
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Tradition of beekeeping tradition is called getting the honey. But that honey that we eat today is largely different from that of wild honey, which has been mined old Russian beekeepers. Honey in the understanding of ancient beekeeping – it's a combination of all bee products, which are in the hive. In the honey got pieces of wax, pollen, propolis and other bee products, ie all that can be found in the hive. This honey is valued its weight in gold, was esteemed a remedy for many diseases, because of this honey was considered Rus beekeeping country. In ancient times, honey prepared by the method of pressing. Honey extractors, based on the action of centrifugal force, and removing all products pchedovodstva of honey was constructed only in 1865. Company Tentorium reviving the ancient craft.
Therefore, in the Urals, Perm region on the basis of apiaries company organized three bortevyh economy. One of them is located in the Vysherskogo Reserve, 300 km from the nearest settlement. This is the most northerly of all the existing apiary in the Perm region. Apiculture – is the extraction of honey from wild bees natural hollows (board) or breeding bees in hollowed hollow. This wild honey, it is created without human intervention: the board did not put a frame with honeycomb and bees build honeycombs themselves-'yazyki '- the nest of any form. Honey from the 'language' means nelzyapoluchit tsentrofugirovaniya, for this reason that honey is extracted bortevoy with wax, pollen and propolis. Employees Tentorium in Bashkortostan, in the reserve Shulgantash where preserved bortevoe beekeeping, made drawings and board have finished them, to make it easier and more convenient to operate the board. Now bortevoy honey, which our ancestors ate, available to modern people.
The company produces Tentorium 'Platinum liniyu'medov -' Bortevoy honey 'and' Pressing honey ', derived from' Bortevogo 'ancient method of pressing. Ancient tradition revived Tentorium and a series of 'Honey'. Honey Honey is called with the addition of propolis, pollen (pollen) and royal jelly. Modern technologies allow to produce a mixture of honey bee products with other high quality. To do this, the method of ultrasonic homogenization – a mixture mixed with ultrasound on the molecular level. Tentorium company allows us to get closer to the ancient traditions of beekeeping.
He graduated from Russian State Medical University. Pirogov, after it passed residency on the basis of MC UD Presidential specialty surgery. Since 1993, operates in MC UD Presidential ("Kremlin Hospital" in the Romanov Per.), 10 years ago, established his own anti-aging clinics and aesthetic medicine "Kosmeton." Lelikov AS: 13 years ago, I was very interested in plastic surgery, and I decided get re of the general surgeon in the plastic. Since I work as a plastic surgeon and doing all kinds of transactions in plastic medicine. I've always been interested in cosmetology and I myself worked with injection methods, but now, unfortunately, all the time is not enough, and this area, I completely gave in order of their beauticians. They have a great experience, all of the many internships abroad and most of them working with me already more than 10 years, we have developed together and I am very pleased that the turnover in our team there. All this time I operated on the basis of the Kremlin hospital, but now the summer in the metro area plan to open its Dynamo. About the new minimally invasive techniques in plastic surgery Lelikov AS: I have often trained in the United States, many famous foreign clinics, I try not to let the International Congresses of Plastic Surgeons, keep track of all new techniques, all my doctors and a lot of drive to learn. So I can confidently say that until recently, plastic surgery is not only considered, but was in fact an order of magnitude more conservative on comparison of modern cosmetology.
Beginning of the 21th century was marked by fundamental changes in approaches to medicine man. From medicine to medicine the energy-symptomatic when the disease is considered a violation of the Programme operation in the energy field of a person. Now it became clear that the full restoration of health is necessary to remove a predisposition to the disease, which lies in emotional and ancestral memory, restore the capacity of each cell and the organism as a whole. It is well known that the body – it is self-regulating system. In order to function for many years without the disease, it is necessary: – to raise immunity to levels which is not the conditions for the development of parasites, infections, tumors, – to restore metabolism, cleanse the blood, etc.
– Rid the body of the sick, damaged and defective cells, replace them with healthy, young and active. This problem is entirely new for that medicine, with which we encounter in our lives. For thousands of years have been in search of "the elixir of youth" and "living water." It was only at the beginning of the 21st century quest culminated success. Came to the aid biochemistry. These are fundamental, but the new development of Russian scientists, biologically active product line, "Immunoresurs." These are universal products that address the full range of tasks simultaneously. For a particular solution of the problem ought to find a derivative of chlorophyll, which would actively accumulated in the tumor is of new cells required derivative was found in spirulina. It is known since ancient times in medicine its useful svoystvami.Nashi scientists led by AV Reshetnikov, and ID-Zalewski resolutely the problem of whether selective accumulation of photosensitizer only abnormal (tumor) and chuzherod – tion cells. Next is active body irradiation with daylight, under the influence of which are actively involved processes fotosinteza.Dlya healthy cells that have adopted fotosensibiliza – torus in optimal doses, the liberated oxygen is good, because he immediately switched to the exchange, providing a second wind cells.
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June 8, 2016 12:48 pm |
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Treatment plants and drugs from them – phytotherapy – is of great importance in modern medicine. Despite the increase in the arsenal of drugs at the expense of new synthetic drugs in this country about 30% medicines are of plant origin. The advantage of herbal remedies compared to synthetic indisputable. First of all, they do not cause, with few exceptions, dangerous side effects. Saponin and drugs from a Joint incentives among themselves and with other drugs. Moreover, when such combinations are often manifested synergism – the phenomenon where the action of one substance increases, others. Many of the active ingredients of plants have very complex chemical structure, so their synthesis is very expensive. In parts of plants, such substances are at the ready, as their only need to select. Certain medications drugs are polusintezom of natural substances of plant world, which is also cheaper and much easier way to produce them. A detailed study of the chemical composition, pharmacological properties, and then clinical trials of traditional medicine plants can annually in health care practice to implement new high medicinal plants, and to discover new properties of plants that are well known before.