This kind of disorder the patient perceives as the pathology of the body that causes him to turn to physicians of various specialties: physicians, surgeons, neurologists, cardiologists, gastroenterologists, endocrinologists, gynecologists, etc. The diagnosis of NCD is very time consuming, because patients must be sent to numerous studies, in order to exclude organic pathology. Relevant question is treatment, rehabilitation, employment examination of these patients, because Disinfection NDC goes beyond the competence of doctors somatic profile. Prevalence: 33% – persons of intellectual labor, 31% – workers, employees, 35% – The first group, with the pathology of the respiratory system (chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma) – the second group, combined pathology (GB + chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma GB +) – the third group. The evaluation was conducted on a scale CESD (Depressive disorder), questionnaire, DM Mendelevich (neurotic disorders). According to the survey revealed that men dominated the investigated depressive disorders (61%), especially in the group with abnormal cardiovascular system (78%) and combined pathology (hypertension + chronic bronchitis) (60%) of women studied the largest number of neurotic disorders (68%), especially in the group with cardiovascular pathology increasing incidence of parallel increases the risk of myocardial infarction, stroke and various complications of the nervous system. u Ramsey pursues this goal as well. Efficacy of the current time is not yet sufficiently studied.
Blank stares on their shoes and walking – this can be an aesthetic nuisance, according to German doctors and also harmful to health effects. Causes of valgus foot deformities may be different – inter-digital pads, massage, solutions and other non-surgical methods, unfortunately also does not solve the problem of correcting foot deformities. Conversely, with age, menopause and the development of other co-morbidities significantly increases the risk of complications and adverse events during surgery to remove the strain of the foot. The purpose of the operation – a correction of various pathologies, caused by a valgus deformity: removal abnormal enlargement of the first metatarsal kostipereprofilirovanie first metatarsal relative to the surrounding paltsamivypryamlenie thumb in relation to the first metatarsal bone and adjacent paltsevpereprofilirovanie cartilage damaged arthritic big paltsapereprofilirovanie large sesamoid bone paltsarepozitsionirovanie under the first metatarsal kostyuukorochenie, extension, improvement or intervention is not on the bone structures and the muscles, tendons and ligaments. b) corrective osteotomy of the metatarsal, medial cuneiform and the proximal phalanx on the methods of Chevron / Austin, McBride, Keller-Brandes, Base-Wedge, Ssarf. II. Surgical resection arthroplasty: a) plastic or metatarsophalangeal joint prosthesis with the use of modern materials b) fusion – metatarsophalangeal joint fixation in orthopedics are two types of angular deflection at Classification of Hallux valgus: 1. angular deviation of IM (intermetatarsal) – deviation of the first metatarsal bone of the second 2.
angular deflection HV (angle of valgus deformity) – deviation of the first metatarsal bone of the thumb phalanx Classification as follows: The severity of lung mean angular deviation of a heavy IM 11-15 16-20 > 20 angular deviation HV 21-30 31-40 > 40 Therefore, method of operation for the treatment of Hallux valgus German doctors are chosen depending on the individual clinical case and the deflection angle. This means that at an early stage of disease at the light and sometimes an average angle of inclination preferably used invasive methods of operations that preserve the bones and joints. Therefore, to avoid increasing the deflection angles of IM and HV, progressive development of arthritis and osteoarthritis, and in some cases complete loss of mobility, it is extremely important to the health of patients is timely operations, as well as subsequent rehabilitation under supervision of qualified professionals. Length of stay in hospital for Hallux valgus surgery is 7-8 days, after which women can once again enjoy the modern fashion footwear. Dr. Victor Kramer, chief.
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August 31, 2018 5:33 am |
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Pregnancy and pain in spineLechenie back pain in pregnancy Treatment of back pain in pregnancy – a difficult problem because of restrictions on the use of effective medication, physiotherapy and reflexology during this period. In pregnant women are also contraindicated chiropractic and massage therapy. Truly 'lifeline' in a series of treatments are nemedikamntoznyh osteopathic techniques. Osteopathic techniques are the basis of Osteopathy and Applied Kinesiology. Through a soft, smooth and precise impact they have provided invaluable assistance particularly for pregnant women. Treatment methods of Osteopathy and Applied Kinesiology, allows a woman during the pregnancy to maintain a comfortable feeling, easier childbirth and postpartum period.Prichiny back pain in pregnant women Pregnant women often complain of back pain, heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, belching, swelling. All these complaints are not related, it would seem, with each other may be due to common causes – stress the diaphragm. To get rid of these evils and discomfort, which contribute to and already difficult period in a woman's life, in some cases it is enough just one of osteopathic treatments.
Why is there such painful discomfort? Diaphragm – a large dome-shaped muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen. It is the main muscle involved in the act of breathing. The muscles, "legs" diaphragm is attached to the spine. When you inhale the diaphragm descends, the lungs expand, respectively, while exhalation rises, while the lungs are compressed. The growing uterus is pressing the liver, stomach and diaphragm. Last completely omitted.
As a result, the diaphragm feet never relax, from which, sooner or later there is a sense of sustained pain in his back. Yes, it is in the back, lumbar region, as the 'legs' that is where the diaphragm are attached to the spine. In addition, the lungs in pregnant women is not fully extended, respectively, in their congestions occur, which manifests dyspnea, especially in the 'supine'.
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January 24, 2018 6:18 am |
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Giardiasis – a common infectious disease among children and adults. Giardiasis is a parasitic disease agents, which are dependent way of life at the expense of the host (humans and some animals). Giardiasis – protozoal infestation, occurring mainly with the defeat of the small intestine and is accompanied by some of the patients allergic and neurological symptoms. Giardiasis (giardiaz) – a disease caused by protozoa – Giardia, parasites in the small intestine, sometimes in the gallbladder. It's simple, class of flagellates. In humans, Giardia occur in two forms – vegetative (active) and cysts (inactive). First pathogen was isolated in 1859 by German scientist Giardia. But so far in the treatment of giardiasis have unresolved issues.
Giardia are responsible for over 20% of acute intestinal diseases. Cases of giardiasis, even in infants. Diet for giardiasis in children. In the body of the child pathogens enter through the mouth. The main channel of transmission of giardiasis is water.
Route of transmission – the fecal-oral. Giardia multiply in the small intestine person very quickly: every 9-12 hours. An adult can select a day to 18 billion cysts. Isolation of cysts occurs every 10-20 days. Cyst (from the Greek kystos-bladder) – is a form of existence of a microbe in a capsule with a dense shell that allows it to transfer various impacts of the environment without any harm to themselves. They are resistant to acids, alkalis, substances with active chlorine. Completely neutralized only by boiling. Getting in organism, the cysts develop into vegetative forms, they appear suckers that cling to the Giardia and the wall of the small intestine. Infection with Giardia can disappear on their own after 6 weeks in good condition immune system and local defense of the intestinal mucosa. In other cases, the presence of Giardia can be asymptomatic for many years. As already mentioned, giardiasis – an infection, it is equally dangerous as an adult and a child.
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December 21, 2011 8:12 pm |
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