Orthopedics. Valgus Foot Deformity Valgus Khalus (Hallux Valgus )
Blank stares on their shoes and walking – this can be an aesthetic nuisance, according to German doctors and also harmful to health effects. Causes of valgus foot deformities may be different – inter-digital pads, massage, solutions and other non-surgical methods, unfortunately also does not solve the problem of correcting foot deformities. Conversely, with age, menopause and the development of other co-morbidities significantly increases the risk of complications and adverse events during surgery to remove the strain of the foot. The purpose of the operation – a correction of various pathologies, caused by a valgus deformity: removal abnormal enlargement of the first metatarsal kostipereprofilirovanie first metatarsal relative to the surrounding paltsamivypryamlenie thumb in relation to the first metatarsal bone and adjacent paltsevpereprofilirovanie cartilage damaged arthritic big paltsapereprofilirovanie large sesamoid bone paltsarepozitsionirovanie under the first metatarsal kostyuukorochenie, extension, improvement or intervention is not on the bone structures and the muscles, tendons and ligaments. b) corrective osteotomy of the metatarsal, medial cuneiform and the proximal phalanx on the methods of Chevron / Austin, McBride, Keller-Brandes, Base-Wedge, Ssarf. II. Surgical resection arthroplasty: a) plastic or metatarsophalangeal joint prosthesis with the use of modern materials b) fusion – metatarsophalangeal joint fixation in orthopedics are two types of angular deflection at Classification of Hallux valgus: 1. angular deviation of IM (intermetatarsal) – deviation of the first metatarsal bone of the second 2.
angular deflection HV (angle of valgus deformity) – deviation of the first metatarsal bone of the thumb phalanx Classification as follows: The severity of lung mean angular deviation of a heavy IM 11-15 16-20 > 20 angular deviation HV 21-30 31-40 > 40 Therefore, method of operation for the treatment of Hallux valgus German doctors are chosen depending on the individual clinical case and the deflection angle. This means that at an early stage of disease at the light and sometimes an average angle of inclination preferably used invasive methods of operations that preserve the bones and joints. Therefore, to avoid increasing the deflection angles of IM and HV, progressive development of arthritis and osteoarthritis, and in some cases complete loss of mobility, it is extremely important to the health of patients is timely operations, as well as subsequent rehabilitation under supervision of qualified professionals. Length of stay in hospital for Hallux valgus surgery is 7-8 days, after which women can once again enjoy the modern fashion footwear. Dr. Victor Kramer, chief.