Care Kombucha Tea

It is in the lower part of the fungus and is the transformation of a mixture of sugar solution and tea brewing in the wholesome drink. In fresh drinks begin the processing of sugar yeast it to ethanol and carbon dioxide. Next, the bacteria oxidize the resulting alcohol to acetic acid. Accumulate, it stops the yeast. In result from specific forms of sweet tea drink that contains in addition to major components – alcohol and acetic acid – a bit of residual sugar, carbonic acid, tannin tea, vitamins and other aromatic and organic matter. Beverage obtained by Kombucha, but a pleasant sweet-sour taste and has some medicinal properties, which – below. Care Kombucha is not complicated. For him, the two fit three-liter jar with a wide neck, which must be closed in several layers of gauze.

In no event should not close the neck of the lid, because for the life of the fungus need air. For growth and development of the fungus requires the solution of tea with sugar. It is made at the rate of 100-120 grams of sugar per 1 liter of water. Water for the solution slightly warmed, dissolve sugar in it and then top up the already cooled down, into the jar. You can not pour sugar directly into the bank on the fungus, as can cause burns of the mucous membrane of the fungus, causing him to die. 3-4 days after placing meduzomitseta into a chilled sweet tea turns sour, lightly carbonated beverage and alcoholized.

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