Posts tagged: medicine & surgery

Ginger As Super Root

A tip to the take off? Healthy through the winter? The body do just something good? The root of the ginger plant has very special properties and is in many respects healthy, or healthy. The ginger root contains lots of vitamin C and it especially helps colds. In addition, the root that inhibits coagulation of the blood and protects against heart attacks. Antibacterial, blood pressure, calming, diuretic, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatism and expectorant ginger works because it has over 22 essential oils! He also protects flatulence and diarrhea. A real young root Ginger is because it contains herbal hormone substances which keep our cells young. These Phytohormones stimulate the production of hormones that protect us from premature aging. They say the Ginger is a special young makers for all people over 40. Among the other properties of the “Super root” also, that it is a good remedy for nausea and vomiting as well as an improvement of headache and is rheumatic joint pains.

It is also interesting that ginger helps with stress. The ingredients of ginger root to actually positively affect the Burnout Syndrome. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from lee marks. The metabolism is also supported and last but not least, and right now the cold weather is perfect: Ginger delivers us from the inside heat. The ginger root is actually incredibly many good properties and his body so that you can do much good. Here our ginger water recipe Tip: some sliced ginger into a large glass (at best 0, 4 l) fill and pour over boiling water. The water is then let alone. 30-60 minutes are perfect.

Even longer even sharper, but also all the more helpful! When the water is finished, take out the ginger slices and mix a teaspoon of Manuka honey MGO 30 + to do this. Manuka honey supports the immune system and therefore the absolute icing on the cake for this health drink. Enjoy a shot, then lemon juice and now the ginger water. Hint: in case of a cold /. The best simply the Manuka activity increasing flu. Such as MGO Manuka honey 250 + or MGO Manuka honey 400 +. See Manuka honey honey/Manuka honey / other properties of Manuka honey, see

Stop Hair Loss – Concepts For Hair Loss

Current strategies against hair loss and bald head if the hair trickle react most affected with panic. Hair loss with the result of a bald head is visible impairment of the shelving, which can easily lead to an exclusion through the with people. However, there is still no treatment concept, which promises a stop of hair loss or even a new growth in any case. In spite of advances in medicine, hair loss remains a complex action that is unsettled in many parts. The characteristic of the bald is obvious, the causes that lead to hair loss, however, return to the genes of the person, its hormonal development in the course of life and its way of life. Although the bald head is a little unwanted condition, so must be determined first sober, that the person in the course of its history has lost more and more hair. Compared to the monkey and his ancestors, Neanderthal is the today’s man almost be called naked.

In fact, our descendants may be one day about the people smile, the outlandish hair worrying. However this does not use those who suffer the ridicule of others. There are currently only a few products that reputable and secured combat hair loss. For men in particular the active ingredients of finasteride and minoxidil comes in women also minoxidil use, as well as sex hormones. Hormones and finasteride have a common point of attack: the hormonal control of the hair growth. Up to sexual maturity, there are alopecia areata not influencing hair loss: with the exception of the specific disease. Only with the rise of hormones in puberty, it comes at the beginning of the hair loss.

This is usually much later in women, here the hair loss starts to mostly the signs of menopause. Two situations that are the male and female sex hormones in the imbalance is common. The obesity of male hormones lead to the atrophy of hair. Conversely the a typical sign of pregnancy is that with the sharp increase in the estrogens also the hair grow better and at this time, an attractive appearance give the woman. The decrease in the production of hormones, the opposite occurs. However, the is often not to stop hair loss by reducing the male hormones (either finasteride or hormone gift). This is, this is only one of various mechanisms, which are responsible for the atrophy of the hair root and finally falling out of the hair. The supply of the hair root with nutrients is an other important factors influencing this action. Here is the active ingredient minoxidil, which dilates the blood vessels, allowing so a better transport of essential materials and a better supply of the hair root. But at its core must be that both methods of treatment in many cases bring a stop or hair improvement but represent no final solution to the large extent of cases notes sober. Andreas city gene

Manuka Honey

ManukCare, a sterilised Manuka honey product that is used for a long time to wound care is recognised now as medicine. A sterilised Manuka honey product called ManukCare was all over Europe recognized as a medical device and is thus now also medically used for wound healing. ManukCare, a sterilised Manuka honey product that is used for a long time to wound care is recognised now as medicine. This is a big step for patients who want to use sterilized Manuka honey to treat wounds and leg ulcers and struggled to convince your doctor thereof. CE mark (number CE0120), which from now on is to see on the packaging of ManukCare, confirmed that the product complies with all EU directives and can be used for medical purposes. The packaging can be specified now, that Manuka acts honey against the antibiotic-resistant bacterium of Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). ManuCare will continue to carry the UMF label. This is no longer displayed on the packaging, as the new medical license allows a more precise advertising and can highlight the greater effects of the product. “” ManukCare can be used for example as first aid”as described, the at all ordinary wounds”can be applied and acts against the antibiotic-resistant bacterium of Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)”. ManukCare is your complete sterilised and medically powerful Manuka product that is used for the treatment of cuts, Burns, ulcers and other ailments. 100% antibacterial Manuka honey suitable for first aid maintains ordinary Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) has wounds against the antibiotic-resistant bacterium more information about the product is available at.

Chinese Remedies As Withdrawal Help

The fight against alcoholism is difficult away from the bottle. And often relapse after a successful withdrawal. Drugs helped here not only because they were often characterized by serious side effects. As reported the private insurance portal, an ancient Chinese remedy now but was discovered in an American study, sparks may be new hopes. The herbal active substance of the kudzu plant, Daidzin, has been used for over 1000 years in Chinese medicine. Researchers at the University of California examined now, whether the means in the alcohol withdrawal could be put. Experiments with rodents showed that reduced the average alcohol consumption, as well as recidivism rate of animals.

Also, no side effects usual for addiction medication occurred there. According to information of the researcher, clinical tests on humans are planned in future. Generally, so far used active ingredients such as disulfiram prevent the breakdown of alcohol in the blood by the ALDH enzyme. Daidzin, however, blocked only the functionality of the enzyme, without impeding other metabolic processes. Compared to other means, it distinguishes itself by a significantly higher impact. However, the appropriations referred to in the action resembles other addiction medications.

Through the interruption of the degradation process of alcohol in the acetaldehyde is created, significantly decreases the levels of this substance in the blood. This leads to the symptoms, commonly referred to popularly as hangover. Thus, the request is of course significantly reduced after alcohol. Because the active ingredient of favorably affects the level of dopamine in the brain, it also reduces the likelihood of recurrence. More information:… Contact: Lisa Neumann University first media GmbH barefoot streets 12 04109 Leipzig Tel: + 49/341/49288-240 fax: + 49/341/49288-59

The Candida Fungus

Mushrooms are a strange for many people life-forms, which are extremely common and creep as parasites in their hosts. Find a moist and not too acidic milieu, like to settle them and spread unchecked, as long as they are not prevented. The Candida fungus is so secret guest who drives his mischief in very many people. He takes over, he is extremely uncomfortable, as for example vaginal fungus. e this success. Various causes for vaginal fungus generally can be the Candida fungus actually only then spread when the immune system is weakened. In a healthy human, bacteria and other micro-organisms keep the fungus in check and prevent him from an increased proliferation. As soon as but one slightly immunodeficiency, seizes his chance of Candida fungus and multiplied at high speed.

The vagina fungus is favored by some other factors. For one, the excessive personal hygiene is to name a few. The often aggressive intimate lotions kill the natural colonization of the vagina with germs and remove This just bacteria, which should inhibit the Candida fungus. The vagina fungus can be transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse and settle in the vagina. The sharing of towels and towels is also a risk to transmit the spores. The hormonal changes in the woman can change the vaginal environment, that the vagina mushroom finds ideal conditions and multiplied. The pregnancy or the menopause can bring such hormonal changes and anti-fungal contrary to get the Candida.

Unpleasant and impairing symptoms in the vaginal fungus infestation of the vagina by the Candida pulls a discharge after himself, which is rather crumbly as dry cottage cheese and can smell after yeast fungus. An unbearable itching and a sharp burning sensation set to another quickly there, which can be very distressing. Vesicles, pustules and a reddish rashes may occur, the skin can also easily crack. Also be pain during intercourse and make this part of impossible. Therapy at a vagina mushroom man goes to the doctor, so he will choose an antifungal mushroom after the diagnosis of vaginal Candida first which is applied as ointment or as a suppository. The active ingredients contained therein to inhibit the growth of the fungus and kill all existing fungi. But already widely penetrated the vagina mushrooms, no longer be achieved by means of a local, then additional preparations will be returned, are to take orally. Unfortunately usually not lasting success is this therapy. The acute vagina fungus is perhaps repressed, but because the causes are left untreated, he adjusts itself again at the next opportunity. Therefore is an alternative on the page of a very attractive opportunity, the Candida fungus to finally rid. Natural and gentle manner, the fungal infection is fought successfully since a holistic approach assumes not only the symptom, but also the cause in attack. Without aggressive chemical drugs, he finds Body to its natural equilibrium back.

Natural Medicine

The Department of natural medicine of Immanuel hospital Berlin turns immediately with fresh, clear optics and smart functionality to patients and other interested parties. Health care and medicine are areas that can be interested in anyone, but overlook the least. Many offers are developed from the perspective of the responsible experts, not from the user. Senator Elizabeth Warrens opinions are not widely known. The portal aimed at patients and to those interested in complementary medicine and is completely tailored to their needs. A smart navigation is the key.

From the 3pc for the Immanuel Diakonie developed concept is based the site as up, that reach every visitor without detours or cumbersome search to the topics and information, are interested in him. “On the home page is the naturopathy prominent compass” places. Here, you choose either the picture or the form of treatment, we would like to inform about the, and come immediately to the relevant subpages. So, from the outset, the content is in the foreground. The And services of the Department of natural medicine are presented. With counselors on diet, body and health, the users get additional practical tips for everyday life. Would you then get in touch with one of the doctors or therapists, you will find next to individual topics right a fold-out infobox, where you find contact person and contact information. The website is a service and information portal for patients and other users, that provides basic information, first answers and calls the appropriate people if necessary.

It will connect between the people and the work in the naturopathy at the Immanuel hospital Berlin. The offer is rounded off by a comprehensive library of theme-related audio files, videos, photo galleries, and flyers for download. “Under the heading research”, visitors will find overviews of current and completed scientific studies.


The annoying up very strong ear noise, known under the name of tinnitus will probably many people be aware. The annoying up very strong ear noise, known under the name of tinnitus will probably many people be aware. Who ever was in an extremely loud music event, has perhaps briefly suffered acoustic trauma and for days, even months had a ringing, whistling, or vacation in the ear. Fortunately an acute tinnitus disappears usually back by itself, but the longer it lasts, the chance that he becomes chronic is the higher. Tinnitus therapy with medicines conventional medicine is still on the causes and the treatment of tinnitus wondering around and tries to cure him with a variety of approaches. A trial of therapy is the administration of vitamin E, blood circulation-promoting agents, the use of cortisone or local anaesthetics.

The effectiveness is not yet proven, placebos had the same effect. Tried a different approach, a positive effect by means of so-called Neurotransmitters to reach. These are substances that are required in chemical processes in the brain and directly affect the work of this body. But the effectiveness is very controversial and not scientifically proven. All forms of therapy with drugs is common, that they are controversial in their effect and the drugs can produce also severe side effects.

Therefore, costs and benefits in any good relationship seem to be. Tinnitus therapy by means of intervention in the body of this therapeutic approach attempts to combat the tinnitus with surgical methods. In particularly serious cases it has severed the auditory nerves patients as a last resort in the hope to be able to eliminate the sound of the ear so. It is known however virtually no case in which this method of success was crowned. Direct intervention in the brain occurs during therapy with a brain pacemaker is implanted in the head. It produces electric currents, which is especially the activity of the auditory cortex – the area in the brain for processing of noise – should affect. Again therapy can not speak so far of an effective tinnitus. Tinnitus is therapy with magnetic fields because the brain reacts to magnetic pulses, tried to man through the influence of strong magnetic fields the processes in the brain affect, that the incriminating ear noise disappears, or at least reduced. The therapy is so far not very successful, also headache occur as side effects often after treatment, even an epileptic seizure caused already in some cases. Holistic approaches to therapy better success there may occur the naturopathic medicine with its holistic approach. The tinnitus is considered to be a symptom of a disorder in the inner balance of the body, and therefore, can you cure the symptom of not only, but must dedicate themselves to the cause. The holistic approach is explained in detail and shown on the page. There also further information with which natural methods can be found Tinnitus can be cured, which also are not burdened with unpleasant side effects. Both Western as well as Eastern holistic therapies included in the tinnitus therapy and to exploit their full potential in the interaction. The effectiveness of such as acupuncture or acupressure has proven for millennia, and other natural remedies may look at proud achievements – more on. The structured tinnitus therapy is the implementation of a cognitive behavioural therapy for tinnitus.

Medicinal Plant Central

With the masked flower petals and aromatic fragrance, it is known to all of us. Arnica can but not only look good and smell it has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and wound healing-promoting properties and so can the treatment of various injuries and inflammation used as such as sprains or insect bites. Arnica is one of the most famous and traditional medicinal plants, but it is now under conservation. Even Goethe mentioned them in several poems, and in common parlance it is known also under the name of Bergwohlverleih or mountain Cowslips. To find the plant especially on damp meadows in Europe to Central Asia. The heyday of the arnica begins in Central Europe in May and lasts until August. The curative effects of arnica arnica used rheumatic complaints and gingivitis especially for treating outer by bruising, contusions, sprains, bruises and insect bites, inflammation in the throat. The internal use should be avoided because arnica partly owns acting toxic ingredients. For the full article in the guide health under

Laser Eye Surgery

Vision strength correction through laser surgery are always easier 30 years ago were a rarity on the eye laser surgery and more considered to be experimental. The technology is now so well developed that even a diopter with a Laseroperationdurchgefuhrt can be. Such a Augenop parts of the cornea are removed, to change the break angle of incident light. The cause of Ametropia is namely because that it is not correct to call the distances between the refractive components of the eye – as the cornea, the lens and the vitreous – to only the most essential. Thus the incoming images are projected behind the retina – much like when a jammed lens in a camera, a blurry image arises as a result? The lens, as focusing share in the eye up to a certain degree this incorrect projection but ausgleichen-your limits, since they only a certain elasticity level in out it does not stretch / shrink and the image will be still out of focus. It will also see unaided also still very tiring for the eyes, because the lens muscles to compensate for the low vision on overdrive should work. Eye surgery using laser technology small parts of the cornea are removed, which refracts the light otherwise on the cornea and the image ends up sharply at the end on the retina. Before such an operation, an additional lens in the system was inserted through the lens, which has the same effect as the operated cornea.

However, the procedure has limits that are currently-10 – + 5 Dioptrin which can be corrected surgically. Regardless of which method is used, the procedure is always very similar: after the election of a renowned eye clinic with high safety and hygiene standard, a preliminary investigation will take place in the clinic. Those who opt for surgery, which should make sure, that in this preliminary study, on the one hand the eye thoroughly investigates because for a successful operation is of a sufficient thickness Corneal necessary, other risk factors such as green and grey star should be cut off. On the other hand, a thorough history should be performed in which other risk factors such as diabetes and autoimmune diseases can be obtained. In addition, a competent doctor will discuss exactly what variant of the available laser operations (E.g. eye lasers with LASIK, LASEK procedures, etc.) for the patient in question and how they will expire exactly. Also the cost issue should be discussed at such a preliminary, because unfortunately the laser surgery of the eye is still not box office performance.

On average, one must reckon with approx. 1000 euros per eye. Despite the high cost of the operation you should not make the mistake to try to find a low-priced foreign clinic because they can compete with a competent German clinic expertise, either in hygiene and safety. A medical malpractice may lead to a parent – or under-correction – but in the worst case also to blindness a risk that saving a few bucks is not worth.

Professor Burkhard

Cystic fibrosis is the most common inheritable metabolic disease in Germany. Nevertheless the incurable and fatal disease of ignorance is not always detected early enough. Cystic fibrosis is the most common inheritable metabolic disease in Germany. Nevertheless the incurable and fatal disease of ignorance is not always detected early enough. An error in the genetic material that causes the salt budget which messes up cells, that tenacious mucus obstructed a whole range of vital organs: especially lung, pancreas, liver and bowel are affected. The secretion is an ideal breeding ground for bacteria, the consequences are difficulty breathing, digestive problems, pneumonia and severely underweight. Most patients die from the effects of multiple infections in young adulthood. Life expectancy depends strongly on whether the disease is diagnosed early and treated appropriately.

But only every third person concerned, so scientists, estimate visits regularly a doctor. Around 8,000 children, Teenagers and young adults suffer from cystic fibrosis, from today about 600 genetic variants have been identified. Five percent of the population, approximately four million people are characteristic carrier, without knowing it, but externally completely healthy. Only if both parents 7 apply the fatal defect of chromosome and their children inherit it at the same time, breaks from the disease. With the help of a simple genetic test to more than 1000 families, Professor Burkhard identified bottlenose dolphins from the medical school of Hanover the main cystic fibrosis genetic centres in Germany. For the early detection of the disease, it is important to know what mutations occur where and how often. It was also a representative picture of population flows and marriage behavior in Germany over the last 150 years, a genetic historical micro-census. Shall in Thuringia, Saxony-Anhalt, Saxony and North Rhine-Westphalia in addition to the most commonly encountered in Germany deltF508 variant the R553X mutation most often on. During the Industrialization came this gene probably in the 19th century with the people\”, Burkhard white porpoises, which migrated in search of work from the Eastern Prussia, and the Polish area of the Russian Empire in the West.

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