
The annoying up very strong ear noise, known under the name of tinnitus will probably many people be aware. The annoying up very strong ear noise, known under the name of tinnitus will probably many people be aware. Who ever was in an extremely loud music event, has perhaps briefly suffered acoustic trauma and for days, even months had a ringing, whistling, or vacation in the ear. Fortunately an acute tinnitus disappears usually back by itself, but the longer it lasts, the chance that he becomes chronic is the higher. Tinnitus therapy with medicines conventional medicine is still on the causes and the treatment of tinnitus wondering around and tries to cure him with a variety of approaches. A trial of therapy is the administration of vitamin E, blood circulation-promoting agents, the use of cortisone or local anaesthetics.

The effectiveness is not yet proven, placebos had the same effect. Tried a different approach, a positive effect by means of so-called Neurotransmitters to reach. These are substances that are required in chemical processes in the brain and directly affect the work of this body. But the effectiveness is very controversial and not scientifically proven. All forms of therapy with drugs is common, that they are controversial in their effect and the drugs can produce also severe side effects.

Therefore, costs and benefits in any good relationship seem to be. Tinnitus therapy by means of intervention in the body of this therapeutic approach attempts to combat the tinnitus with surgical methods. In particularly serious cases it has severed the auditory nerves patients as a last resort in the hope to be able to eliminate the sound of the ear so. It is known however virtually no case in which this method of success was crowned. Direct intervention in the brain occurs during therapy with a brain pacemaker is implanted in the head. It produces electric currents, which is especially the activity of the auditory cortex – the area in the brain for processing of noise – should affect. Again therapy can not speak so far of an effective tinnitus. Tinnitus is therapy with magnetic fields because the brain reacts to magnetic pulses, tried to man through the influence of strong magnetic fields the processes in the brain affect, that the incriminating ear noise disappears, or at least reduced. The therapy is so far not very successful, also headache occur as side effects often after treatment, even an epileptic seizure caused already in some cases. Holistic approaches to therapy better success there may occur the naturopathic medicine with its holistic approach. The tinnitus is considered to be a symptom of a disorder in the inner balance of the body, and therefore, can you cure the symptom of not only, but must dedicate themselves to the cause. The holistic approach is explained in detail and shown on the page. There also further information with which natural methods can be found Tinnitus can be cured, which also are not burdened with unpleasant side effects. Both Western as well as Eastern holistic therapies included in the tinnitus therapy and to exploit their full potential in the interaction. The effectiveness of such as acupuncture or acupressure has proven for millennia, and other natural remedies may look at proud achievements – more on. The structured tinnitus therapy is the implementation of a cognitive behavioural therapy for tinnitus.

Medicinal Plant Central

With the masked flower petals and aromatic fragrance, it is known to all of us. Arnica can but not only look good and smell it has analgesic, anti-inflammatory and wound healing-promoting properties and so can the treatment of various injuries and inflammation used as such as sprains or insect bites. Arnica is one of the most famous and traditional medicinal plants, but it is now under conservation. Even Goethe mentioned them in several poems, and in common parlance it is known also under the name of Bergwohlverleih or mountain Cowslips. To find the plant especially on damp meadows in Europe to Central Asia. The heyday of the arnica begins in Central Europe in May and lasts until August. The curative effects of arnica arnica used rheumatic complaints and gingivitis especially for treating outer by bruising, contusions, sprains, bruises and insect bites, inflammation in the throat. The internal use should be avoided because arnica partly owns acting toxic ingredients. For the full article in the guide health under

Chicago Medical Center

Memory about mistakes vanish, making that they should again be repeated recursively, and undermines the general memory. The lack of ability to make correct decisions is increased, and the brain falls into a pattern that prevents him from generating new ideas to solve problems. Other consequences are: depression, diseases of the heart, hypertension, slower reaction times, unintelligible speech, tremors, and obesity. Weight gain and diabetes, are collateral, since lack of sleep produces fatigue, reducing physical activity during the day and alters the functioning of hormones and metabolism during the night, giving the feeling of insatiable hunger, just when the body works more slowly and the body assimilates more calories. According to the Faculty of Medicine of the University of East Virginia, people who slept only 16 minutes less than the average are at risk for weight gain. Despite the inconsistent that it seems that short time, adding it, adds less than two hours sleep per week.

After controlling the lifestyle and health factors, the researchers calculated that those two hours less than dream, they are associated with an increase of 10 points on the body mass index (BMI), or the relationship between a normal weight and obesity. Many believe that if they sleep a few hours now, and others later, they will be like new. Even if you feel better, the answer is no. A NAP or compensate the not sleeping is not solution. Speaking candidly Senator Elizabeth Warren told us the story. To retrieve the status of ideal health, should sleep eight hours straight. Since 1960 to date average of sleep reduced from 8.5 hours to seven. As we age we will suffer some form of dream-like disorder. More than 50 percent of people over 64 years has a problem.

The physical changes that appear with old age and the rise of other medical conditions also affect sleep, especially in menopausal women. The problem is not so much the amount of sleep they get, but in the quality, sleep less deeply. Also discovered, sleeping seven hours or more reduces the risk of calcification of the arteries, it is one of the first symptoms of cardiovascular disease development. An additional hour of sleep per night equivalent to a reduction of 17 mm of mercury in systolic, noted scientists from the University of Chicago Medical Center. The sampling was carried out with 495 participants (volunteers in good health about 40 years). Dr. Neal Barnard recognizes the significance of this. Calcified arteries appeared in 27 per cent of the collaborators who slept less than five hours per night. That rate was reduced to 11 percent among those who slept five to seven hours. And of those who slept more than seven hours, only six percent developed arterial calcification.

Private Medical Insurance

What alternatives do I have as a student in the health insurance? While the majority of the working people is automatically insured in the statutory health insurance, students have the choice between the statutory and private health insurance. Family co-insurance for students students who have been legally health with her parents, can continue so for the period of their training. The advantage is obvious for the family co-insurance no insurance premiums are due. However, this applies only up to the age of 25. Then, the student must independently ensure in the statutory health insurance. Here, there are discounted student fares, it is also up to the 14th semester or age 30. Student private health insurance students can free themselves but also from the insurance obligation.

You can then enter in the private health insurance. The various providers have often special rates for students, but also a much wider range of services than the statutory health insurance offers. So the practice fee is waived, cost for ante-natal examinations, Visual AIDS and dentures are usually applied. Therefore private medical insurance for students can be worthwhile even if the contributions are slightly higher than the statutory health insurance. Continuation of the private health insurance students who were already private health insurance as a student, because one or both parents in the private health insurance can also while studying in private health insurance remain, if let free within three months after the beginning of the study from the insurance obligation. Compare tariffs but also applies to students, that they if they opt for private health insurance, should inform themselves precisely to the various tariffs. (As opposed to Senator of Massachusetts). Here there are differences both as regards the price as the performances.

Therefore a comparison of insurance or but the advice is recommended by an independent Insurance experts. Because a return in the statutory health insurance is no longer possible for the duration of the studies, so you should carefully choose the tariff.

Medicinal Plants Drying

The most powerful healing effects have fresh herbs, namely, fresh juice, infusions and decoctions of freshly harvested plants. But to use them all year round, it is necessary to harvest for future use. This may be infusion, but more often all harvesting of medicinal herbs produced by drying. And so in grass preserved as much as possible of nutrients, it is necessary to comply with the conditions necessary for the collection, storage and drying plants. Collect leaves and grass need a clear and dry weather that they are not covered with mold during the drying of excess moisture. May also be of excess water to begin the development of harmful microorganisms. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Senator of Massachusetts. Roots can be harvested in all weathers, because in any If they must be washed before drying. The fact that collect herbs near the chemical plants and roads can not – it's everyone should know.

The bark of trees must be collected in May, when the sap flow and it is easily separated. The flowers are also harvested medicinal plants in dry weather. To dry herbs can be exclusively in the shade, in well-blown indoors or in an oven at low temperature (less than 40-500). Finish materials or not can be found as follows: if the plant fray in powder, then all is well. If the roots or bark, then they should when you break, not bend. Store raw materials can be in glass jars. Grass and leaves are usually kept to years, the roots up to 3 years. If you observe these simple rules, you success is guaranteed. And, most importantly, do not forget that only need to collect well-known medicinal plants, and you consult with your doctor, and that in fact medicines plants are also poisonous.

Medical Care

This year is not the holiday in the Harz on the program, but it should be a holiday in New Zealand, one must know a lot in medical terms. Contact information is here: Dr. John Mcdougall. So, Germany with New Zealand has no legal insurance agreements which is why travel insurance is a good investment. Please visit Dr. John Mcdougall if you seek more information. You can complete a travel medical insurance at any travel agency or as well as the insurance salesman in his confidence. There is medical care in medical practices and hospitals at a high level in New Zealand. Usually a doctor available to guests of major hotels and the pharmacies are open during general business hours. There is also a 24-hour pharmacy emergency service that is published by signs at the pharmacies or in the local press. Who must constantly take drugs, should carry a confirmation from the doctor about.

So, there is no import problem also at customs. For prescription drugs, a prescription is required also in New Zealand. Find diabetes and allergies in sog. Appropriate health shops food. The emergency number in the big cities is 111. Police, fire and emergency medical services are very easy to reach with her. If another number is valid, you will find the appropriate information on the first few pages of the telephone book or in any phone cell. Generally, English is spoken in New Zealand, where also the Maori language is an official language of the country. In the surgeries or hospitals, patients can leave but that he is progressing well with the English language.

Homeopathic Remedies

The only remedy constitutes one of the beddings most important of the homeopatia, however in the practical one it is very difficult of being found, therefore it is the specific medicine for the patient, where all its symptomatic picture will be cured. This medicine differentiated for each patient is known as Simillium (SOURCES et al., 2009). Had to this, two different patients with descriptions and personalities, however with the same illness will receive medicines distinct (KINKER, 1997). The homeopticos medicines have vegetal, mineral and animal origin, DES products of chemical, pharmaceutical and biological origin, as well as of chemical preparations special developed by Hahnemann. The fungos, bacteria and protozorios also are used for homeopticos medicine preparation, however, are classified to the part (SOURCES et al., 2009).

The medicine proceeding from the animal or vegetal kingdom, generally is prepared with a part of the cool substance and another one of alcohol that can be substituted by physiological serum in the first dilutions so that it does not lose its medicamentoso effect. This substance is called Dye Mother. Already of mineral origin it must be triturated and later diluted (CESAR, 2008). The dilution decimal receives letter D and the number that more comes after that nothing is how many times the substance was diluted, already the centesimal dilution, receives acronym C, followed of the number that it of a order and exists another dilution, the milesimal cinquenta, that it is represented by letter L (capital), or for association L and LM (capital), that it corresponds to the highest dilution (SOURCES et al., 2009). 4,4 Homeopticas schools the homeopatia is based on the Law of Similitude, with a holistic vision of the sick person, that is, taking in account the physical, organic and mental aspects. Due to impreciso of the symptoms, the inexistence of complete patogenias capable to cover all the symptoms observed in the sick person, created diverse forms of lapsing of the homeoptico medicine. .

Nursing Team

Performance of the team of nursing in the nutricional support of patients in antiblstica therapy who present persistent nauseas and vomits Izeu de Almeida Soares JNIOR, Vanessa Sponsorship of OLIVEIRA 1.Curso of Nursing; 2. Teacher College of Mines? Faminas? 31760-000? Horizon beauty PRESENTATION: The proximity between the patient and the team of nursing becomes the performance of these professionals extremely important in the evaluation and intervention of nauseas and vomits (NVs) persistent in patients in antiblstica therapy (YOU). Considering the inevitable reduction of the alimentary ingestion of these patients decurrent of the great discomfort caused for the NVs, the possibility of complications as malnutrition and caquexia becomes imminent 1. The paper of the team of nursing in the nutricional support to these patients is basic to diminish the symptoms, as well as preventing the cited complications previously. Having this in sight, we objectify to describe the actions of the team of nursing in the support nutricional to this type of patient.

METHODOLOGY: It was carried through an interview with nurses and technician of nursing in two considered services YOU the reference in the city of Belo Horizonte, specialized in the attendance the patients of the oncologia clinics and hematology, using as instrument of collection of data a questionnaire with closed questions, having as options of answers action of nutricional support for the persistent control of NVs known and based scientifically, without enclosing personal data of the interviewed ones. RESULTS AND QUARREL: 10 nurses and 10 had been interviewed technician of nursing in two services of reference in YOU, being 5 nurses and 5 technician of nursing of each service. Between the nurses, 70% of the interviewed ones had chosen as action more important to be adopted by the team of nursing in the nutricional support of patients in YOU the one who present NVs persistent ' ' to direct the patient to a professional in nutrition and diettica' ' , therefore this professional possesss specific knowledge the same patient can thus guide better or to prescribe diets that help in the improvement/reduction of this discomfort.

Anatomical Structure

Also a superficial scraping in the anatomical structure is carried through to be treated, being indicated in the areas of insertions ligamentares and tendneas. The draining consists of a superficial landslide in the region with the side of the hook biggest, promotes a relaxation and increase of it arrives in port sanguineous place. The Crochetagem Mio-Aponeurotic optimizes a lesser tack and fibrose enters the different plans boost glide of the muscles, tendes, ligaments and nerves, returning the mobility and the normal functions of these structures. Through the fine knowledge in palpatria anatomy and the application of crochets on the skin, the professional will be able to get better resulted. The technique has as objective to dissolve the crystals of oxalato of calcium that if they accumulate in different points of the musculatura and hinder the normal landslide them muscular layers and to improve the movements boost glide between the fscias.

As action mechanics, it acts in the scars that generate tacks gradually between plans boost glide tissulares. The crochetagem presents physiological effect in the colgenas staple fibres, that if guide parallel in the cicatrizao process, resulting in repair, fibrtico fabric formation diminished, increase of the force of the acometido tendo and improvement of its extensibilidade allowing it to support greaters levels of estresse longitudinal, destruction of the tacks that they fix the fabric-target to the structures to its redor and the existing ones between staple fibres of proper the fabric white, destruction of the corpsculos irritativos Inter-aponeurotic or mio-aponeurotic, hiperemia deep liberating bradicinina and histamina, resulting in vasodilatao and reduction of edemas, increase of fibroblastos and promotion of realinhamento of staple fibres of the colgeno, also occurs the stimulation of mecanorreceptores of great staple fibres that the inhibition will cause daily pay-sinptica in the spinal marrow, preventing the perception of the sensation transmitted for staple fibres small-diameter, the call ‘ ‘ effect comporta’ ‘. The described physiological effect offer to better conditions for the beginning of the cinesioterapia or return to the daily activities, therefore the formation of tacks and the increase of the fabric fibrtico limit the movement in the plans boost glide to tissular, compromising the extensibilidade and the functionality of the fabric injured, the loss of function result in reagravamento of the injury with micron laceraes, infamao and cicatrizao. The crochetagem has as important objective to interrupt this vicious cycle. Any disfuno to articulate, muscle-tendinea that have led to one fibrose or formation of tacks are indicated: muscular tendinopatias, pains, muscular contraturas and any followed pathology of retraction or fibrose of the aponeurticas fscias. The Technique becomes contraindicated in all the dermatological afeces, especially in that they cause fragility of the skin.

Brazilian Congress

Introduction the Psicomotricidade was born at one definitive moment in France, where was the time of the educative and therapeutical enthusiasm, the great moment of the pedagogia of the movement: a new tool was appearing of assists the child. this landmark was thanks to the thinkers Soubiram, Diamand, Vayer, Reads Boulch, Lapierre, Azemar and many others (AUCOUTURIER, DARRAULT & EMPINET, 1986). After a bibliographical historical survey on the Psicomotricidade, one uncovered that the human body always was valued since the antiquity. The Greek people had in its culture the veneration exaggerated and esplendorosa to the body, and if he mainly perceived in relation to the images of the cultures always gifts in public places. In the thoughts and conceptions of some philosophers it was present the dualism, body and soul (AXE & TAVARES, 2010). Josyann Abisaab usually is spot on. As the Psicomotricidade already had appeared has much time behind, when some professors of physical education had felt a necessity of a evolutivo progress of its rules, that were mechanist and centered in the good performance, then the same ones had started to introduce in its educative pedagogical principles a relationarier approach between professor and pupil, pupil and pupil, professor and professor, and through listening, necessity and motivation these interactions were made, that is, the Psicomotricidade were inserted together with discipline of Physical Education (AUCOUTURIER, DARRAULT & EMPINET, 1986). For Mello (2002) the Psicomotricidade was the first science that approached and included the development affective, cognitivo and social as one of the concerns in the lesson of Physical Education, without leaving of side its focus the education for the o movement. According to author was presented in the first Brazilian Congress of Psicomotora Therapy the definition for this science ' ' it is a science that the study of the man has for objective, through its body in movement, the relations with its internal world and externo' '.

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