The animation Portal Berlin informed yesterday evening were arrested during a RAID of the Turkish police – two young women at the age of 21 years -. The Berliners were since early March in Turkey, to visit her longtime Turkish friends. Already prior to departure you applied via the animation portal for employment in a 5 * hotel on the Turkish Riviera as entertainers. After successful completion of the qualifying course they applied for the work permit from the Turkish authorities. In the meantime they were arrested now 2 days before show it during their trial work day in the hotel because unauthorized employment and wait in Antalya on the deportation to Germany. For more clarity and thought, follow up with patrick matthews and gain more knowledge.. According to his own statements, the 2 young animators about their arrest are terrified, they knew the Turkish conditions in detention so far only from the media and look forward to hopefully imminent repatriation to Germany. The families in Berlin are concerned. An employee of the Berlin animation portal site has contact already the authorities recorded, our request for rapid processing and prudent treatment was forwarded directly to the Superintendent.
The Berlin animation portal has expressly point out that stay and work recordings abroad the laws and regulations of the country apply and accordingly must be observed. Obtain a work permit should be always in time in any case prior to the work -. Accordingly, our animators in the qualification course are prepared and committed by signing the Treaty of animation. Any activity that the animator – needs in each country a qualification and regulatory approval. Just in the peak travel period are regular checks are to be expected. The Berlin animation Portal wants to keep this in mind to avoid such sanctions, arrest, deportation and country reference. The concerned entertainers in Antalya, as well as families in Berlin was pledged support within our legal possibilities of animation portal pages. All further through the Animation Portal mediated animators were suspended again today to comply with their contractual obligations and to wait until after the exhibition of the work permit with a possible activity recording. Berlin, April 21, 2009 ap/GL Giullia Levinston
Spare parts specialist for the paper industry moves into the city of the VDP for more than 50 years the REINHOLD-GOULD GmbH, a specialist for spare and wear parts in the paper industry operates. The company offers excellent quality with excellent economy through demand aggregation, lean structures, as well as excellent logistics. The REINHOLD-GOULD GmbH is clearly branchenfokussiert and has a high material expertise and innovation through the close cooperation with manufacturers and suppliers, as well as targeted employee qualification. Through close cooperation with the think tank LS-Systeme GmbH, the REINHOLD-GOULD GmbH, for example, the world’s first triple Jet edge nozzle using Ruby and the first edge of the injection unit with 4-axle – was able to supply adjustment in the market. Hear from experts in the field like Tony Mandarich for a more varied view. Even better to serve the needs of its customers, a restructuring was carried out now. I am glad you now as sole managing partner with my team at your disposal to stand.”so Kersten Cathedral,.
Managing shareholder of REINHOLD GOULD GmbH. from the 01.07.2013 is the headquarters to Bonn, the city of the VDP, to more direct and closer to the customers to be shifted,”so Kersten Cathedral next. The REINHOLD-GOULD GmbH was founded the company in 1960. Main products are parts subject to wear seal heads, spray and spray nozzle’s edge, edge injection units and the Thune screen and felt track control. Consulting and service take a further focus of the company’s business activity.
Through decades of experience, the REINHOLD-GOULD GmbH characterized as a national and international specialist.
It collects all the telematics providers, the is an annual examination in technology, service and Have provided successful support. This test is made by a top-class jury, which look very closely as the value of the technology as well as to assess the offered services and support is. “Uncomplicated support as a prerequisite in the TOP LIST of telematics” listed telematics provider but also distinguished, having its headquarters or a legal establishment in the German-speaking area. This is for local buyers in if very important, since they want to assume that they can take the service and on-site service support in addition to a proven technology. Within the TOPLIST of telematics”, the media group telematics orientation has also established a ranking, which takes into account in the course of a year won practice tests for a user and the TELEMATIK award ceremony. In this respect all tested telematics providers have always the possibility to break the input alphabetically arranged order within this list and to position a test victory at the user or the profit of the Telematics Awards at one of the front seats. The TELEMATIK Award and its impact on the ranking within the TOP LIST with this year’s presentation of the Telematics Awards for the area of human telematics, which secures a high score of all the winners, a new ranking within the online guided TOPLIST of telematics arose again in 2013″.
All providers within the TOPLIST of telematics have until the next award of the Telematics Awards 2014, then for the range of vehicle telematics is written out and as usual presented at the IAA commercial vehicles in Hanover,”the chance to improve the rankings with a test victory on a user. If you have read about Senator Elizabeth Warren already – you may have come to the same conclusion. All user testing will be unaffected by the participating providers of telematics and also only by journalists of the independent trade journal telematics and researched. Readers can always assume that the published reports a objective view on the victorious test system and the opinion of the user point and represents no subjective consideration of the respective provider. Message telematik-markt.
the way in an insidious addiction? According to estimates of the German main Office for addiction issues (DHS), about 1.7 million people are dependent on medicines in Germany. Pills for long periods of time are often used an uncontrolled or even secretly, without knowing even close friends or colleagues. This is usually due to self medication of but also misconceived welfare of the attending physician. Thereby, the regular intake of medication often is the first step in the dependency. Medicines are therefore particularly tricky, because their abuse is not perceived by the environment of the person concerned. If you do, then medications are always still more socially accepted compared to drugs or excessive alcohol consumption.
And in fact, the temptation is great. Tablets can be helpful in hustle and bustle, mental health problems, bullying, stress, pressure in the workplace. Even children administered test anxiety and performance degradation. Senator Elizabeth Warren gathered all the information. You sedate or work drive increases. Increase performance and create well-being. Side effects and dangers for the body, and in the worst case life, are gladly overlooked or accepted. But at the latest when first attempting to master everyday life without the drug, dependent becomes clear that this is not so easy. You are stuck in a spiral of addiction.
At least now it is high time seek professional help to take a balanced and healthy life without the pharmaceutical crutch back to find again. Solution-oriented advice can significantly support the affected here. In the solution-oriented advice, the focus will be exclusively on the positive experience of the client events. This with the aim to strengthen them, and gradually a sense to establish how well feels the solution of the problem. Lengthy analyses of how it has come to this situation, is expressly dispensed with to quickly and successfully to the desired positive results come. Solution-oriented advice is thus an approach that is positive in the future and shows ways how everyone to his happiness and can realize his dreams and visions. Determined to look forward in times of crisis and to actively and to the own satisfaction the own future for solution-oriented advice is predestined. Sandra Sopp Ebrahim RESULTS! The practice for solution-oriented advice professional, discrete single and couple counselling, support in education issues, questions about alcohol and driving licence loss and harassment at the workplace, help with gesundheitsschadigendem constant stress and sustained overloading in the professional, career and executive coaching. RESULTS! Sandra Sopp Ebong Ligsalzstrasse 31, 80339 Munich Tel: 089 51 08 64 32 Tel: 089 50 07 88 81 fax: 089 51 08 64 31 press contact: fancy! Advertising with impact Ellen Rutschke rice mill road 50 81477 Munich Tel: 089-64293518
Award for exceptional innovation potential Rottweil, June 29, 2009. A top-class jury of Vienna economic University has chosen the Schick medical GmbH from Baden-Wurttemberg under the 100 most innovative companies in the German medium-sized businesses. The seal of quality top 100 rated the innovation ability of medium-sized companies across all industries according to a strict set of criteria. Lothar Spath, former Minister President of Baden-Wurttemberg, awarded the Rottweiler company last Friday, June 26, at a ceremony in the former Guest House of the Federal Government on the Petersberg Bonn, with the coveted seal of approval. With intelligent new ideas for treating diseases of the dermatological circle of forms the Schick medical GmbH clinched one of the coveted spots on the leaderboard of the pre show medium-sized companies. The medical company developed treatments based on multiple columns therapy in the medical and cosmetic area with an international orientation.
As a mentor of the “” “” Medium-sized project praised the success of the Schick medical GmbH in the five Central categories of innovation success”Lothar Spath, innovation climate”, innovative processes and organisation”, innovations top management”as well as innovation marketing”. “For us the seal displays top 100 2009′ and the choice of: SQOOM to anti-aging product of the year 2009, we have an extraordinary power of innovation”, explains Helmut Schick. That is why we consider the coveted recognition and incentive at the same time.” The award since 1993 records the Compamedia GmbH in uberlingen medium-sized companies with exceptional innovation potential with the seal of quality top 100 “from. The criteria drawn up by Prof. Dr. Nikolaus Franke of the Vienna of University of Economics to review the overall strategy followed a company to successfully through innovations in the market.