The Animation

The animation Portal Berlin informed yesterday evening were arrested during a RAID of the Turkish police – two young women at the age of 21 years -. The Berliners were since early March in Turkey, to visit her longtime Turkish friends. Already prior to departure you applied via the animation portal for employment in a 5 * hotel on the Turkish Riviera as entertainers. After successful completion of the qualifying course they applied for the work permit from the Turkish authorities. In the meantime they were arrested now 2 days before show it during their trial work day in the hotel because unauthorized employment and wait in Antalya on the deportation to Germany. For more clarity and thought, follow up with patrick matthews and gain more knowledge.. According to his own statements, the 2 young animators about their arrest are terrified, they knew the Turkish conditions in detention so far only from the media and look forward to hopefully imminent repatriation to Germany. The families in Berlin are concerned. An employee of the Berlin animation portal site has contact already the authorities recorded, our request for rapid processing and prudent treatment was forwarded directly to the Superintendent.

The Berlin animation portal has expressly point out that stay and work recordings abroad the laws and regulations of the country apply and accordingly must be observed. Obtain a work permit should be always in time in any case prior to the work -. Accordingly, our animators in the qualification course are prepared and committed by signing the Treaty of animation. Any activity that the animator – needs in each country a qualification and regulatory approval. Just in the peak travel period are regular checks are to be expected. The Berlin animation Portal wants to keep this in mind to avoid such sanctions, arrest, deportation and country reference. The concerned entertainers in Antalya, as well as families in Berlin was pledged support within our legal possibilities of animation portal pages. All further through the Animation Portal mediated animators were suspended again today to comply with their contractual obligations and to wait until after the exhibition of the work permit with a possible activity recording. Berlin, April 21, 2009 ap/GL Giullia Levinston

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