Dr. med. Nazif Tsvetkov specialist in gynaecology and obstetrics orthomolecular medicine is today from getting more doctors of different disciplines supported and practiced. The possibilities are manifold. The concentrated dose of micronutrients is used in cancer therapy, for the treatment of diabetes patients, in sports medicine, and also in the women’s health for years. Gynecologist Dr.
Sonnhild Zwetkow gives an overview of the possibilities of orthomolecular medicine. Orthomolecular Medicine includes the disease prevention and treatment by means of concentrated nutrients. These have important functions within a healthy metabolism and ensure a variety of processes in the body. A comprehensive and sufficient supply of the 40 most important micro-nutrients (vitamins, minerals, trace elements, fatty acids) that provides the basis for a healthy body. Is this sufficient and complete supply today due to unhealthy Eating habits and low quality of food not readily given. The resulting nutrient undersupply can cause severe diseases in the long term. Orthomolecular Medicine complements the classical medicine and is used, where the imbalance is a result of a pre-existing disease or where diseases are caused or facilitated through an unbalanced nutrient budget in such cases.
So, there is evidence that diabetes can be prevented side effects by taking high-dose vitamin C. Also in the modern cancer therapy concentrated vitamin C is used to improve general health. For pregnant women, the trace elements magnesium plays an important role. The common hyperexcitability of the uterus can be alleviated through the intake of magnesium. Due to its laxative effect, it also helps pregnancy-induced constipation. For calf cramps, it is recommended not only during pregnancy. Hair loss, which is not genetic or due to disorders of hormone metabolism, is successfully treated for years by (biotin), vitamin B and zinc. Also, folic acid, vitamin A and iron are, depending on the cause, used. Orthomolecular Medicine offers gentle supplement options to proven traditional medicine. However, since a variety of complementary food preparations in Germany is free for sale, taking concentrated nutrients should be clarified with a doctor, to prevent possible damage from overdose. Dr. Sonnhild Zwetkow advise patients about the need for and the benefits of dietary supplements.
“Medical wellness: In conversation with Carina Laux excellent Spa Manager of the year 2012 was Carina Laux of the vital & Wellnesshotel zum Kurfursten in Bernkastel-Kues some weeks ago to the Spa Manager of the year 2012 (2nd place) for extraordinary Spa management” award. No wonder: For years is Hotel, which is located in the spa area on the sunny Kueser plateau above the Moselle, with its MXX LifeStyle resort as one of the best medical Spa Hotels in Germany, Austria and the Switzerland (and awarded). The interested consumer, the question arises: medical wellness is so to speak the medical update by or even the contrast to wellness? Germany’s leading Spa is the right contact person for this question in fact. Question: Congratulations to the spectacular award! How do you personally define wellness? Carina Laux: On the surface hardly different than some of our guests in the first hours of the residence: pampered well-being through are, therefore, ideally, the feel-good experience of par excellence. Feel comfortable also ensures a good attitude to life.
This can be a passive process as wellness has been understood (by the way, wrong) some years ago. However, we have in the felt to the elector this interpretation from the outset as too paltry. The passive experience was for us is always the backdrop, offered prior to the wellness and is literally practiced. Over 30 years ago, American doctors of wellness interpreted as a healthy lifestyle. And the still valid definition as a symbiosis of good health (objectively) and experienced (subjectively) well-being. Wellness is actually a health program, better: a health concept.
And hence a kind of lifestyle, lifestyle just. Question: So not pampering in the luxurious atmosphere of the beautiful and rich Carina Laux: no, just no. Wellness encompasses all healthy activities to improve the physical and mental well-being.
Experts of from different areas of the human Telemaik take part in the round table in the framework of the Telematics Awards 2013. Hamburg, 28.08.2013. Under the moderation of the Chief Judge of the Telematics Awards, Mrs Prof. Birgit Wilkes, five experts arrive to the telematics talk at the award ceremony, which will provide information to the human-telematics. In particular the Panel of experts is dedicated to the exciting questions to the clinic, real estate and security telematics. Of course, the participants of the telematics talks go submitted numerous questions of telematics-Markt.de readers also. Interesting topics of discussion are among the possibilities of intelligent networking in the enterprise, as well as in the private sector.
The participants of the round table give information about how the technologies can serve the human telematics in everyday life and in professional life useful and what trends and developments already are. Experts of from different areas of the human Telemaik take part in the round table in the framework of the Telematics Awards 2013. Presenter will be Prof. Birgit Wilkes welcome guests to the telematics talk: Dr. Uwe Engelmann founding shareholder, Director of operations, CHILI GmbH Prof.
Alfred Iwainsky Board of the society for promoting applied Informatik e. V. Katharina Klischewsky, Chairman of the GFI Board editor of telematics Markt.de Michael of Pulmanns Media Group Managing Director of GeoCompanion GmbH Dr. Claus Wedemeier Federal Association of German housing and real estate companies – GdW important input to the topic directly from the readership interest on various topics of human telematics showed already far in advance: Many reader questions reached the editor of the trade journal telematics Markt.de. The inclusion of such issues was always a major feature of the telematics talks, which at numerous trade fairs of the industry station Telematik.TV and of course held in the framework of the Telematics Awards. The benefits of telematics applications in the medical and private sectors has been shown especially in the telematics award 2011 more and more and was also in recorded the public accordingly. However, the variety of different solutions is not known yet. It is absolutely understandable that the users have many questions about the technology, but also to the possibilities. The trade journal telematics Markt.de aims to move the still more impenetrable telematics industry in the field of view of the public with all their services consistently. Technologies and concepts are taught practical and understandable all users and interested parties of the journalists.
Dr. Gerhard Breier of Schleiden informed not just a positive attitude towards life and healthy diet is essential for good health. Significantly, movement helps to feel dynamic and powerful. The Milon health circuit is an advanced training program that effectively ensures well-being in several ways. To be convinced of the benefits of the training system, the MED. vital centre Schleiden offers interested parties an initial test action. The offer G. BREIER, General Med.
osteopath Thursday from the MED. vital centre in Schleiden informed Dr. med. Everybody wants to be with the milon circuit of health quickly and effectively fit for everyday fit for the challenges of everyday life. However, private and professional life to too often little time for movement. Frequent and wrong seats and little compensation for the body can cause physical ailments such as back pain and be responsible also for obesity.
The factor is lack of time thanks to the Milon circuit of the Past, because new customers can for eight weeks the diverse training effects that can be achieved in a short time, convinced by. The Milon health circuit reduces and prevents not only back pain. It increases general well-being as a whole and is effective to get rid of troublesome fat deposits. The special thing about the system is that each participant will receive a smart card on which all personal settings for the respective training device are stored, so that you can train effectively and optimally. For the regeneration of cartilage and intervertebral disc disease as well as hip and joint arthrosis the mobile core spin MBST procedure. Method Lipowave is to help you reduce weight the Reduktionssytem Sanguinum and the ultrasound used. For detailed information about the range of therapies the MED. vital center from 9:00 to 21:00 in Schleiden available anytime.
Free and quickly determine the appropriate tariff a PKV calculator is a useful and mostly free tool which plays a crucial role in the Tarifjungel of private health insurance. If someone want to change for the first time in the car he can be found here with just a few clicks in particular to cut rates. By the calculation of the tariff, the question can be settled also immediately whether a change in the “private” at all is worthwhile. It is located in a private health insurance or in the legal, then you can play with the idea to switch his insurer or his fare. Be aware however when switching from the law in the private health insurance, often a revision of this decision will be no longer possible. To switch once to a private health insurance it usually is not possible back to switch in the statutory health insurance. That’s why you should consider well the decision. One is already in a private health insurance, then you can also Change thinking to save money in the future.
First you should think however about a fare change by the previous insurer, because one must undergo to any new health assessment and has already paid contributions at the current insurer. Switching to another insurer can be beneficial in some cases, but it should be remembered that one is completely newly classified. You should consult well before finally changing the insurer. You should consult the best an insurance expert, to determine whether a change can bring about financial benefits. How to find a suitable private health insurance? You now decided to switch to a private health insurance or to look for a new insurer, then you should seek above all in the Internet for suitable offers. So you should look best on objective comparison portals, which clearly list the services of different providers. Of course, the contribution you pay depends on various factors, therefore each person a different tariff. Here, usually a car help calculator.
Here, entering data, such as age, profession and any pre-existing conditions and gets a provisional price. So you can quickly see what collective write from different providers. There are no longer differences between men and women due to the new unisex tariffs, therefore the gender when calculating no longer matters. On prior to exorbitant monthly contributions must be not feared is the statutory contribution assessment ceiling of insurance that currently prevents this is just under 50,000 euro.
My subjects of conversation no longer interest, when we spoke to him of plans common, we ran into with the wall of silence, or of at this moment we must speak of that? in a tone, by all means of annoyance. We did not hit upon to give the name exactly to our relation of pair, lived confused and hoping that perhaps, tomorrow or to the rat, everything is different. But no, the sensation of not having the person that we more want in our life, that one or that one that we have chosen so that he is our companion of life, are not available for us emotionally speaking, it is a heartrendering, discouraging condition and per moments, we touched the feeling of the lack of affection, the coldness and the solitude. Independent of it reasons, a parallel relation, a mix-up of personalities, not to tolerate to the family of the other, problems in the work, fights with the extensive family, the death or disease of a relative, beyond feeling us shared in common, we felt left, lazy the drift. In addition without a reasonable explanation for it. The circumstances can be varied and with an infinite amount of possibilities, but while we are there, in that place of the one of the retirement, in that position of distance, the reason does not reach to express ours to feel. When some of the members of the pair, no longer decides to be with the pair, is conscious or unconsciously, it leaves so to the other in a vulnerability state, that it is not guessed right to include/understand and the questions arise in which still is involved in the relation: Will be I? Perhaps I am not including/understanding what it is happening? He is that poor, it has so many problems, in its life, in its work, with its family.