Disinfection NDC

This kind of disorder the patient perceives as the pathology of the body that causes him to turn to physicians of various specialties: physicians, surgeons, neurologists, cardiologists, gastroenterologists, endocrinologists, gynecologists, etc. The diagnosis of NCD is very time consuming, because patients must be sent to numerous studies, in order to exclude organic pathology. Relevant question is treatment, rehabilitation, employment examination of these patients, because Disinfection NDC goes beyond the competence of doctors somatic profile. Prevalence: 33% – persons of intellectual labor, 31% – workers, employees, 35% – The first group, with the pathology of the respiratory system (chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma) – the second group, combined pathology (GB + chronic bronchitis, bronchial asthma GB +) – the third group. The evaluation was conducted on a scale CESD (Depressive disorder), questionnaire, DM Mendelevich (neurotic disorders). According to the survey revealed that men dominated the investigated depressive disorders (61%), especially in the group with abnormal cardiovascular system (78%) and combined pathology (hypertension + chronic bronchitis) (60%) of women studied the largest number of neurotic disorders (68%), especially in the group with cardiovascular pathology increasing incidence of parallel increases the risk of myocardial infarction, stroke and various complications of the nervous system. u Ramsey pursues this goal as well. Efficacy of the current time is not yet sufficiently studied.

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