Posts tagged: planning & architecture

New Win-to-win Blockhouse In The Switzerland-Turgi

Round log cabins direct from the factory with a very good price/performance ratio, much of what today is trend-setting for us, has long tradition. The log house construction is based on centuries-old experience and skill. The increasing trend to live consciously and environmentally-friendly way to build, has taught us to translate these experiences into a modern life. Today we speak of know-how and our wood block buildings speak all over the world for themselves. The development has brought it to the block House today no longer holds, but is also modern and energy-saving. Additional information at patrick smith supports this article. We can create all the block houses in low energy construction. Quality customer satisfaction good price-performance ratio in our production facilities of highly motivated employees work on the production lines.

All production lines are drawn according to the latest quality management. Per dwelling in South Tyrol in our customers can experience a per dwelling in a newly built cottage in the Blaslerhof at any time in the beautiful South Tyrol. This can be on-site by the the persuaded natural living environment. And certainly you can bring a family more experiences from over the construction of a log cabin by the builders. The range of logs includes the whole spectrum of classic log home construction but also that of the modern way of life. Of all courses of square timbers, round logs, and even very exclusive hand-beaten solid log cabin, we can offer at an affordable price. During installation, our German Assembly team helps you with the different construction works. Of supervisors installation to the turnkey delivery inclusive of all development work such as cellar, heating, plumbing and electrical. You challenge our multilingual consulting team, send us your floor plan ideas our own planning team develops with you your dream log home. Contact: Blockhaus4you Ou Juergen Rettenberger Economist GA banker Web site email

Commercial Construction

Storage of goods, goods & products in the industrial and commercial construction requires a company that wants to offer its customers something, produces many products and goods and will deliver its products as soon as possible, in most cases a logistics Hall. In this logistics warehouse, the goods can be, goods and products of a company store turn and transport. Logistics halls are much like warehouses. They are usually very quickly built and have a large floor space. For companies, the site naturally plays a very large role. For the construction, the region has a good infrastructure such a logistics Hall. You can find such logistics halls, often on highways and in industrial areas.

Here, the commercial sites are available and you have to make enough space for any enlargements of the halls. For companies who settle in the industrial areas, E.g. extra a highway can be built. issue. The has the advantage that thus the directions for employees and / or freight forwarders will be facilitated. The construction of such a Logistics warehouse requires the use of architects and many other companies from the construction sector.

The logistics halls are then built and planned by the architects and construction engineers. There are many companies that supports the companies in such a planning and implementation. To build a logistics Hall do not today tomorrow. It should be carefully planned it all. The construction is to explain in the rough. The commercial land is flattened first. Then poured the concrete for the Foundation of the logistics warehouse. By the way, the concrete pillar used ever. This process is completed and the concrete of Foundation dried up (may until several weeks take) the sides are set and then built the roof structure. After the topping-out ceremony, which then usually takes place is then started with the Interior. This applies to E.g. electronics, painting and tiling as well as heating and plumbing. All work has been completed, the new logistics Hall is finished and can be used. Logistics halls are used by the companies, the lot to Goods or goods produce and want to quickly turn. Mostly applies in the sectors the law of first in, first out. The goods or goods which are stored first in the logistics halls, leaving the Hall again as first. This is often the case with food. Fearing that these can spoil, is held is often on this principle. Often, the decision for a company is not easy, which Hall type you would like to access. You should get that’s why professional advice and then make a decision.

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