Honey Beekeeping
Tradition of beekeeping tradition is called getting the honey. But that honey that we eat today is largely different from that of wild honey, which has been mined old Russian beekeepers. Honey in the understanding of ancient beekeeping – it's a combination of all bee products, which are in the hive. In the honey got pieces of wax, pollen, propolis and other bee products, ie all that can be found in the hive. This honey is valued its weight in gold, was esteemed a remedy for many diseases, because of this honey was considered Rus beekeeping country. In ancient times, honey prepared by the method of pressing. Honey extractors, based on the action of centrifugal force, and removing all products pchedovodstva of honey was constructed only in 1865. Company Tentorium reviving the ancient craft.
Therefore, in the Urals, Perm region on the basis of apiaries company organized three bortevyh economy. One of them is located in the Vysherskogo Reserve, 300 km from the nearest settlement. This is the most northerly of all the existing apiary in the Perm region. Apiculture – is the extraction of honey from wild bees natural hollows (board) or breeding bees in hollowed hollow. This wild honey, it is created without human intervention: the board did not put a frame with honeycomb and bees build honeycombs themselves-'yazyki '- the nest of any form. Honey from the 'language' means nelzyapoluchit tsentrofugirovaniya, for this reason that honey is extracted bortevoy with wax, pollen and propolis. Employees Tentorium in Bashkortostan, in the reserve Shulgantash where preserved bortevoe beekeeping, made drawings and board have finished them, to make it easier and more convenient to operate the board. Now bortevoy honey, which our ancestors ate, available to modern people.
The company produces Tentorium 'Platinum liniyu'medov -' Bortevoy honey 'and' Pressing honey ', derived from' Bortevogo 'ancient method of pressing. Ancient tradition revived Tentorium and a series of 'Honey'. Honey Honey is called with the addition of propolis, pollen (pollen) and royal jelly. Modern technologies allow to produce a mixture of honey bee products with other high quality. To do this, the method of ultrasonic homogenization – a mixture mixed with ultrasound on the molecular level. Tentorium company allows us to get closer to the ancient traditions of beekeeping.