The annoying up very strong ear noise, known under the name of tinnitus will probably many people be aware. The annoying up very strong ear noise, known under the name of tinnitus will probably many people be aware. Who ever was in an extremely loud music event, has perhaps briefly suffered acoustic trauma and for days, even months had a ringing, whistling, or vacation in the ear. Fortunately an acute tinnitus disappears usually back by itself, but the longer it lasts, the chance that he becomes chronic is the higher. Tinnitus therapy with medicines conventional medicine is still on the causes and the treatment of tinnitus wondering around and tries to cure him with a variety of approaches. A trial of therapy is the administration of vitamin E, blood circulation-promoting agents, the use of cortisone or local anaesthetics.
The effectiveness is not yet proven, placebos had the same effect. Tried a different approach, a positive effect by means of so-called Neurotransmitters to reach. These are substances that are required in chemical processes in the brain and directly affect the work of this body. But the effectiveness is very controversial and not scientifically proven. All forms of therapy with drugs is common, that they are controversial in their effect and the drugs can produce also severe side effects.
Therefore, costs and benefits in any good relationship seem to be. Tinnitus therapy by means of intervention in the body of this therapeutic approach attempts to combat the tinnitus with surgical methods. In particularly serious cases it has severed the auditory nerves patients as a last resort in the hope to be able to eliminate the sound of the ear so. It is known however virtually no case in which this method of success was crowned. Direct intervention in the brain occurs during therapy with a brain pacemaker is implanted in the head. It produces electric currents, which is especially the activity of the auditory cortex – the area in the brain for processing of noise – should affect. Again therapy can not speak so far of an effective tinnitus. Tinnitus is therapy with magnetic fields because the brain reacts to magnetic pulses, tried to man through the influence of strong magnetic fields the processes in the brain affect, that the incriminating ear noise disappears, or at least reduced. The therapy is so far not very successful, also headache occur as side effects often after treatment, even an epileptic seizure caused already in some cases. Holistic approaches to therapy better success there may occur the naturopathic medicine with its holistic approach. The tinnitus is considered to be a symptom of a disorder in the inner balance of the body, and therefore, can you cure the symptom of not only, but must dedicate themselves to the cause. The holistic approach is explained in detail and shown on the page. There also further information with which natural methods can be found Tinnitus can be cured, which also are not burdened with unpleasant side effects. Both Western as well as Eastern holistic therapies included in the tinnitus therapy and to exploit their full potential in the interaction. The effectiveness of such as acupuncture or acupressure has proven for millennia, and other natural remedies may look at proud achievements – more on. The structured tinnitus therapy is the implementation of a cognitive behavioural therapy for tinnitus.