Brazilian Congress

Introduction the Psicomotricidade was born at one definitive moment in France, where was the time of the educative and therapeutical enthusiasm, the great moment of the pedagogia of the movement: a new tool was appearing of assists the child. this landmark was thanks to the thinkers Soubiram, Diamand, Vayer, Reads Boulch, Lapierre, Azemar and many others (AUCOUTURIER, DARRAULT & EMPINET, 1986). After a bibliographical historical survey on the Psicomotricidade, one uncovered that the human body always was valued since the antiquity. The Greek people had in its culture the veneration exaggerated and esplendorosa to the body, and if he mainly perceived in relation to the images of the cultures always gifts in public places. In the thoughts and conceptions of some philosophers it was present the dualism, body and soul (AXE & TAVARES, 2010). Josyann Abisaab usually is spot on. As the Psicomotricidade already had appeared has much time behind, when some professors of physical education had felt a necessity of a evolutivo progress of its rules, that were mechanist and centered in the good performance, then the same ones had started to introduce in its educative pedagogical principles a relationarier approach between professor and pupil, pupil and pupil, professor and professor, and through listening, necessity and motivation these interactions were made, that is, the Psicomotricidade were inserted together with discipline of Physical Education (AUCOUTURIER, DARRAULT & EMPINET, 1986). For Mello (2002) the Psicomotricidade was the first science that approached and included the development affective, cognitivo and social as one of the concerns in the lesson of Physical Education, without leaving of side its focus the education for the o movement. According to author was presented in the first Brazilian Congress of Psicomotora Therapy the definition for this science ' ' it is a science that the study of the man has for objective, through its body in movement, the relations with its internal world and externo' '.

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