Unfortunately, doctors usually see pale, anemic and malnourished patients (which other doctors had recommended a vegetarian diet), though they require “more stimulating food ‘, referring to meat. I heard the doctors of the old school called meat, fish and poultry “higher and raising the tone ‘products Unlike vegetables, which are supposedly “inferior, and by reducing ‘food. Learn more at this site: Assurant Health. The so-called restorative products stimulate the nerves and muscles, promote obesity, give the face color and a fake apparently healthy, but they carry energy, they wear cloth, destroying blood vessels excessive hyperemia, overload the heart, causing atherosclerosis and leading to premature aging and death. In questions of power, as in many others found no final, stable effects are taken into account only the immediate and temporary results. Hardly be too often repeated: “The more you eat, the more a poison and the more wear on your body. ” Misjudgments about the meat and vegetables are not their lives, and they can often hear today. Everything else about the nutritional value is judged not so much in terms of stimulating the body, how much the content of protein, carbs and calories. dures to achieve this success. The common expression “quality of life ‘means overindulgence harmful foods. When people are “walking bags’ disease and miserable ruins prematurely worn-out body, have been described as the victims’ quality of life. ” This term as it implies that there is clearly improper for a simple, healthy foods and stay healthy. About me miserable, sick stomach, who lived on hotcakes, grilled meats, pastries, puddings and other concentrated foods and snacks, while nearly died, say that he suffers from “too good life ‘, as if healthy living is actually bad.
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May 6, 2024 3:33 am |
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Whole wheat bread is healthier than conventional bread due to its high content of essential vitamins and nutrients. The offer has grown in recent years constantly at full value product. Full value product includes various areas such as baking and pasta. One of the products that you can associate with this saves is the whole wheat bread. However, some criteria must be met to identify criteria for whole wheat for a bread as whole wheat. According to German food law, whole wheat bread 90% must consist of products of the respective grain (such as wheat). These products include crushed or ground whole wheat flour, as well as various accessories such as sourdough.
It is also important to note that not every dark pastry, made from whole grain because many baked goods with the help of malt and Couleur. Whole wheat bread in the trade the trend towards full value product was also taken up by retail chains and bakeries, the multiplied products as whole wheat and whole wheat pastry was added to their product range. Also available in several online shops the possibility to order whole wheat bread. You must make sure however whether the pastries are frozen for baking or preserved delivered to the final baking. Advantages compared with traditional baked goods have a higher content of protein, vitamins and nutrients whole grains whole wheat. Whole grains are recommended often for diet changes and weight reductions. Through the long-chain carbohydrates, the body needs this to split, creating the feeling of fullness lasts longer. Christoph Court finger health + life health management
This is primarily vegetables and fruits. Eat them as much as possible. The most useful krasnookrashennye fruit, they have a lot of iron, phosphorus, sulfur and calcium. Suppose that on your desk there apples, they prevent the accumulation of acid in the blood of metabolic products, apples delay the aging process.
Fiber apple peel prevent obesity, apple pectin, strengthens blood vessel walls. Meat, poultry, fish, nuts, legumes, eggs, eat twice a day. Substances contained in legumes slows the deposition of fat, saturated the body with energy. Dishes eat cereal in the morning and evening.
Yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese must have at least 3 times a day But the fatty, sweet, sweets should be limited to a minimum. 12 Olive oil is a leader in monounsaturated fat that can regulate cholesterol balance, not allowing the cholesterol plaques postponed to the vessel walls. It stimulates liver and gall bladder. Products helpful for a healthy diet. 1. tomato. In tomatoes contain lycopene, a powerful antioxidant that protects against cancer. 2. spinach. Contains many iron and other micronutrients to help deal with stress, reduce the level of hazardous substances to the blood vessels. Useful to those who suffer from excess weight – 100 grams of spinach only 41 calories and no grams of fat. 3. red wine. Peel the grapes from which wine is made, contains many antioxidants, including resveratrol – protects the heart and increases the level of ‘good’ cholesterol. 4. nuts. Pantry healthful substances. 5. carrots. There is no one vegetable or fruit, which compares to a carrot-carotene content. Carotene contained in carrots is absorbed better if you fill the dish from its oil. Carotene is helpful for eyesight, strengthen the immune system. Excess of carrots in the diet can lead to yellowing of the skin. 6. cabbage. Substances contained in it strengthens the immune system, in particular vitamin C, beta-carotene. 7. Cheerios. Oatmeal can lower blood pressure, is useful to the gastrointestinal tract. 8. fish. Omega – 3 to cope with arthritis, prolong youth. The fish is not necessarily to buy expensive, the same properties are herring and mackerel – sources of vitamins A, D and B, and omega fatty – acids. 9. green tea. Natural antioxidant. For example, the Chinese who regularly drink green tea rarely suffer from cancer of the stomach and liver. 10. garlic. Raw garlic protects us from bacteria, good for your heart. 11. Bilberry is useful for the brain. This berry is superior to other fruits and vegetables for antioxidants.
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September 26, 2017 11:41 pm |
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It is in the lower part of the fungus and is the transformation of a mixture of sugar solution and tea brewing in the wholesome drink. In fresh drinks begin the processing of sugar yeast it to ethanol and carbon dioxide. Next, the bacteria oxidize the resulting alcohol to acetic acid. Accumulate, it stops the yeast. In result from specific forms of sweet tea drink that contains in addition to major components – alcohol and acetic acid – a bit of residual sugar, carbonic acid, tannin tea, vitamins and other aromatic and organic matter. Beverage obtained by Kombucha, but a pleasant sweet-sour taste and has some medicinal properties, which – below. Care Kombucha is not complicated. For him, the two fit three-liter jar with a wide neck, which must be closed in several layers of gauze.
In no event should not close the neck of the lid, because for the life of the fungus need air. For growth and development of the fungus requires the solution of tea with sugar. It is made at the rate of 100-120 grams of sugar per 1 liter of water. Water for the solution slightly warmed, dissolve sugar in it and then top up the already cooled down, into the jar. You can not pour sugar directly into the bank on the fungus, as can cause burns of the mucous membrane of the fungus, causing him to die. 3-4 days after placing meduzomitseta into a chilled sweet tea turns sour, lightly carbonated beverage and alcoholized.
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November 14, 2016 5:02 pm |
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