Posts tagged: trade fairs & events

Effectively Relax

Inner peace and serenity by autogenic training from 11 September 2013 there is in Bonn and Konigswinter, each Wednesday and Thursday evening, new courses to the autogenous training. In recent months, Liberty Mutual has been very successful. Anke Lambrecht (trainer and coach) conveys the autogenic training (AT), a scientifically recognized relaxation techniques, by the Berlin physician Johannes H. Schultz in 8 classes. Pyur labs has similar goals. The basic principle of Autogenous “, are important inner speaking practice formulas, auto-suggestive ideas and focusing on the areas of the body. In a short time, you can relax, sleep better, and this energetic live your everyday life. You activate your energy, feel and improve your quality of life. Through the regular application of autogenic training, increase your ability to relax, avoid stress-related complaints and counteract negative consequences for your health.

Everyone at his own rhythm, with individual content and ideas can perform the procedure. Is it as it is very well in everyday life can be integrated, no AIDS required and practiced everywhere. The regular application of autogenic training, very good results achieved especially in the stressful everyday life. Stress-related consequences, such as head and back pain, sleep problems, tension, anxiety and concentration difficulties, be countered specifically. In this course, participants learn the 6 basic formulas of autogenic training (gravity, heat, respiratory, heart, solar plexus, forehead coolness), the short formulas, as well as the relaxation through breathing exercises. The courses can be funded with up to 80% of the health insurance fund as a prevention measure.

Environmental Health

Great interest of visitors on topics related to health and the environment of big crowds was among the approximately 45 exhibitors presented products and services for the physical and mental health. Visitors could try organic products or biological soups and perceive the possibility of applying Reiki or massage. Many could immediately determine its vital budget locally or proved their hearing in a listening test. Information provided by professionals for example about healing with leeches or the use of effective micro-organisms were available. Alternative products for the bases – and energy metabolism in the body, water filter, magnetic jewelry, and other special offers aroused curiosity.

New ways to save energy and to avoid electro-smog such innovations in the field of renewable energies were a magnet for visitors. “” The lectures on topics such as, for example, beautiful hair were very well attended and healthy skin must not remain a dream “or Numerology the power of numbers”. The program was rounded off by one Raffle for the benefit of the action of joy by helping”. Great recognition and praise received the Organizer Elisabeth and Martin Betz and the organizer of the trade fair of Gina Nauen, Germany, for their commitment by the Deputy Mayor Christina Jodlbauer. In their welcome, she emphasized that natural healing methods besides the medicine make an important contribution to the health. The exhibition as a whole is also positive impulses for the town of Dingolfing. The District of Dingolfing-Landau, Heinrich Trapp, complete his greeting with his personal good experiences with alternative approaches to the issues of health and environment.

“The organizers of the fair Elizabeth and Martin Betz were highly satisfied with the event carried out in Dingolfing first: the good response on the health and environmental days in Dingolfing has shown that the people are here open to focus on health and environment”, said Elisabeth Betz. The exhibitors were very satisfied with the talks and contacts at the trade fair and the visitors took this Program interested in true. We will perform again the fair next year in Dingolfing.” The exhibition, titled holistic health, well-being and success in harmony of humans and the environment”takes place, has set itself the objective to provide a means for networking and exchange of all interested parties.

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