I connot always criticisms, anonymous complainants; me esculpis gradually believe brilliance, harmony and perfection that I need. I know that there will always be dogs that bark, since that indicates that I cabalgo, I walk, I do. And with good intent to do so, and front, with courage and honesty. Something that suffers, for example, the anonymous comment along with my water that blessed to ZAPATERO article, which throws the stone and hide the hand. I do not know what such cowardly masked refers, but yes I am insurance is not removing anything anyone of bad or good faith. Providence gives us what we need and life itself is seeking death at his very moment who deserves it.
God commands. I am shaman, not righteous by my account. When the policy seeks paths that the reason for the reason, or good reason, unknown is that there truly is something more serious than it seems. I challenge you to which you you show and, in any case, if you have something to tell me and I both know, you threaten not camouflaged and introduce yourself directly to me. I give you that chance, but keep in mind the meaning of my offer or my cosmochamanicos hug.
They are a danger to the people of ill will. I don’t want you to suffer unnecessarily and I know that I can get you out of your mistake and help you, provided that your inner process generates cosmic goodness. I say this to you, anonymous threatening, and others still are obscuring more than you. And why not?, sincere admirers. What you have to pay is paid, both you and I. Dad face. Seriously. I hope you can enjoy the good feelings that often convene this next era of the Nativity. Some more than others, it happens always.For the puedais help clarify.
There is no doubt that each nation has its own occasions to celebrate, express their happiness and their desire to preserve their heritage, and Moroccan society also holds many events to carry out that purpose. These celebrations have a symbolic element in which you can see a perfect fusion between the Islamic symbolism and the amazigh. In this article I will mention some Moroccan festive occasions and some traditions practiced in this fascinating country. Moroccan families celebrate the life of their sons and daughters from birth until their wedding. Firstly, it is the Sabee or Sboa, celebrated the 7th days after the baby’s birth, and that father kill a lamb if the baby girl and two if it is child, and gives the baby a name. Then, parents invite all your friends and neighbor workers to share their happiness by giving name to this new Member of the family. L khtana, which is the circumcision of the child is then held.
In the last, this operation used to be carried by a person named l hajjam caba, but nowadays usually take the child to a physician to avoid any danger or complication. After the operation, the parents organized a big party to celebrate this important event. We also have the Syam Ouel l, meaning first day of fasting, when parents prepare a special meal for your child to which consists of honey, dried fruits, cakes, etc. They take your son/daughter, which is treated as a boyfriend or a girlfriend, your dress to their traditional clothes, the photographer to take some pictures that will be kept as a souvenir. All these celebrations are organized on this special day to prepare the child to practice this important Islamic pillar.
In addition, Moroccan society celebrates many other special days, such as the Aid al Adha or Aid L Kbir, considered the most important event for all Muslims, during which the people come in the morning to a special prayer that is organised that day. Then they return to their homes to slaughter a lamb, after which prepared the boulfaf with the animal liver and all members of the family eat together. In the evening, families exchanged visits at home of others. Last but not least, it is the day of Achoura, which takes place one month after the Aid al Adha and in which mothers prepare couscous with seven vegetables and children practice some traditions, such as the Bab Aichor. Also, parents buy some games and toys for children and women also buy some traditional musical instruments (such as arija MT or the Rascals). In this special event you can see the mix between the religious and cultural or traditional. So celebrations in Morocco are a perfect opportunity for the Moroccans reconcile among themselves and to exchange visits in an atmosphere full of love, tolerance and solidarity. Also, Moroccan holidays offer the opportunity to discover the popular culture of Morocco, which is an excellent mixture between different cultures and reflects the variety and richness of the Moroccan cultural heritage in all areas. Come to Morocco and held its varied culture and its rich heritage. They may stay in one of the fantastic riads in Marrakech, where you may celebrate or witness some of the major festivals in Morocco, or in a hotel in Marrakech. Also you can stay in a fantastic Villa in Marrakech, close rural, where the inhabitants would welcome them in your festivities with open arms.
Today, the Al – Qaraouine Mosque is the largest mosque in all of North Africa, and can accommodate more than 20,000 faithful. Its design is rather austere, with columns and white arches and floors covered with mats of cane instead of the lush rugs exhibited in other famous mosques. The mosque consists of 270 columns forming 16 ships with 21 arches each one, a vision that evokes the Majesty and the intimacy of a forest of arches, in contrast with the simplicity of the design of the niches, pulpit and outer courtyard, decorated with elegant delicacy. 3 Volubilis Volubilis is an ancient Roman town located on the banks of the Khoumane River, near the imperial city of Meknes and considered by UNESCO as world heritage of humanity. City was mainly devoted to trade in olive oil, proof of which are the numerous remains of oil presses preserved among the ruins. The most spectacular remains are undoubtedly plentiful mosaics that he decorated the soils of rich residences.
But its conservation is quite problematic, since they are exposed to the sun light, wind and to visitors, who can walk on them without that nothing to protect. In 1946, the excavations unearthed several busts of bronze, among which that of Cato of Utica was. Other remains of the Roman city have been revealed as what probably was the headquarters of Idrid I, just beneath the Roman walls. In some houses you can see the level of these majestic homes, with its atrium and its impluvium, as well as certain constructions dedicated to the bathroom, especially four Roman hypocaust (system central heating) and a hammam of the Arabic period. 4 Mosque of Hassan II in Casablanca Hassan II in Casablanca mosque was projected in the place of the old municipal swimming pool. Construction began on July 12, 1986 and was finally inaugurated on August 30, 1993.
The shaman through its Faculty of entering in the world spiritual or subtle, will get to transform all the power or knowledge aquirido in the subtle plane, actions or therapies appropriate for the physical world. So such actions or therapies may consist in various activities such as: music, for percussion of drums, talismans, and development of certain artistic creations. The shaman is called to be, have to suffer death or a break with the previous, I so that after your self, you can perceive the call and start in rites or acquiring esoteric knowledge, which will lead you to your new State. It is not an easy task, neither should be confused with the New Age fashions, although the initiation and current learning has evolved with respect to other rites and ancient initiations. The shaman exists in various cultures, ancient and current, but by no means are different.
What the ancient shamans identified as symbols of power, through related animals to their cultures, also called Nagual, today is achieved through the vision of nature as an ecosystem where the spiritual and the force or vital energy maintain a balance and mutual interdependence. However, current Western society, often literally apply descriptions that listen to the respect of animal power or Nagual, as well as the descriptions on the journeys of the spirit, or the powers of the shaman, which can cause a prejudice or disdain, considering it a remnant of another era. Like this. the shaman, possess a set of faculties and knowledge acquired patiently through the experiences, both physical, of type extrasensory or esoteric. It should not be confused shamanism with any creed or religious practice, since the mode in which the shaman raises his spirituality, makes clear the difference existing with religious doctrine, which allows that it can serve as a support for one’s religion. This does not mean that be shaman behave the mysticism or Holiness, but it must be understood as a channel, or an intermediary, specializing in energy, both subtle and internal ducting, which strengthen the innate faculties in him. Despite all mentioned above, the Shaman can be defined as the doctor of the soul.
Says that fully identified with materialism beings will remain in the area devachanica in a State of lethargy or dream, therefore, we can say, that lack of appropriate forces and corresponding to that State devachanico, except in a very vague way, and for such beings noted, there status after the death in terms of mind concerns. They remain dozy by a time and then embody again on Earth. This general average of permanence in Devachan gives us a very important human cycle, the cycle of reincarnation. Because according to this law will be the advent of Nations is repeated and the old days returning again with souls. The life of the soul has no end and can not be stopped for a moment. The abandonment of our physical body is only a transition to another place or plane of existence. But as the Ethereal garments of the Devachan are more durable that we use here, the spiritual, moral and psychic causes take longer to develop and exhausted in that State that on Earth the Mahatmas are similar to certain entities in Devachan in order to remove them from that condition, to return to Earth for well breed. Therefore, the Egos to whom they are close are those whose nature is noble and profound, but who do not possess enough wisdom to be able to overcome the natural illusions of the Devachan.
one who has not generated during his lifetime many psychic impulses, won’t more base or force in their essential nature to feed and maintain their superior in the Devachan principles. During the death, the last series of thoughts are powerful and deeply engraved in the mind and are that give color and the tonic to a lifetime in the Devachan. .(phx-ult-lodge.org/ca14.htm) * sources:-phx-ult-lodge.org/ca14.htm; The seven heavens or the Devachan, LEADBEATER, C.