The Reason the Emotion the Instinct Following the order we go to observe the word KING, is alone to understand the Reason better that is to reason and to think, we are intelligent the sufficient only to act after having very thought. The Emotion is the consequncias suffered for the recklessness to make the things randomly, or alone for the tezo, that is good is, more the price is very high. the Instinct is that evildoer who absorbs my reason and my emotion, leaving my hormones uncontrolled and malgrados sufferings when inverting the order of this acrstico, not forming more thing none not to be choros and the candles. Instinct + Emotion + Reason = IER.Sexo is pure pleasure, confusion of love with tezo, that fulls the heart of much emotion, ' ' to hold the wave is preciso' ' ' ' to live is preciso' ' , to also sail, I want my KING who is in me..
Can imagine how "effective" has been training after such preparation for classes! In Russia, the initiation of children to alcohol, particularly among the "lower class" was common. On the one hand, the mother believed that if you give a young child vodka, he will get to her disgust and will not drink when he grows up. On the other hand, the widely used alcohol as a medicine. To soothe a crying baby, he was given chewed bread, soaked in vodka. And for every disease there his "right" way: the children were given to appetite port, with a cold – raspberry liqueur, and indigestion – Cahors and bird cherry brandy, and worms – brandy, and in the absence of "specific" means – in all cases of vodka as a universal remedy.
Approximately half of the alcohol as a child used drugs on the advice of a doctor. In 1894, in Russia began to come out first anti-alcohol magazine "Herald of sobriety." The editor of this magazine, NI Grigor'ev, decided to find out how widespread child alcoholism, and sent a questionnaire Head of rural schools. Answers, published in the journal, sketched a bleak picture. The taste of vodka was very familiar to most children, many more than once experienced a state of intoxication. Drunkenness and smoking, most parents believed punishable prank, and moreover, that parents acted as first educators of alcohol. A few years later a psychiatrist A.
Korovin, held one of the first mass survey, which covered 22,617 students from 358 rural schools in Moscow Province. The results showed that more than half of boys and less than half the girls regularly drink alcohol. Almost all of them different weak physique behind in mental development, and bad faith itself. Unfortunately, even today, not all parents know how damaging alcohol to a child's body, as is often the first "therapeutic" dose plays a role starting mechanism in the development of craving for alcohol, and then leads to alcoholism.
Infertility – a problem that concerns not only the many married couples. This is also the issue of reproductive health of society. Resolution of this problem by such major ways: by treatment diseases, preventing pregnancy, artificial insemination by husband's sperm (donor) and methods of in vitro fertilization. Treatment of diseases leading to infertility, are carried out, mainly in the cost of accredited health care facilities, under applicable law, this form of care provided free of charge. Methods of artificial insemination and IVF related to artificial fertilization methods – methods rather expensive.
Article 48 of the Law of Ukraine "Fundamentals of Legislation of Ukraine on Healthcare" provides that the use of artificial insemination and embryo implantation is carried out according to the conditions and procedure established by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine. Overcoming infertility by women's husband's sperm insemination (donor) and by in vitro fertilization is allowed to conduct only accredited for that health care institutions. Medical services in such cases are on a paid basis (Order of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine 24 of 02.04.1997 "On Approval of terms and application of artificial insemination and embryo implantation (embryo) and its methodology). The use of artificial insemination performed at the request of a viable women, to which applies this method, after making the statement of commitment by spouses and, after due examination. Age of women who performed artificial insemination, not to exceed 40. Spouses have the right to get a doctor to intervene on the procedure of artificial insemination, the medical and legal implications, the results of medical genetic survey of the donor, its external data nationality. Spouses have the right to get a doctor to intervene on the procedure of artificial insemination, the medical and legal implications, the results medical genetic survey of the donor, its external data nationality. It must be remembered that information to conduct artificial insemination, the identity of the donor are medical confidentiality.