From mid-century urban architecture, there is a new direction – design of the urban environment. Under this direction to understand the complex formation of the public space of the city, located at the first floor of city building and providing livelihoods of the urban community. The main elements with which taken shape public space of the city are small and large architectural forms. Historically, the first came the notion of architectural forms, interpret the elements of street furniture and equipment as separate items of architectural spaces of the city. But as it turned out later, organize vysokokomfortnuyu urban environment with individual architectural compositions and works impossible. Therefore, in large cities has matured the idea of an integrated approach to building design urban environment.
Administration of many cities where there is an active construction program developed a comprehensive improvement of public areas. The implementation of these programs involves the use of modern high-quality small and large architectural shapes and other elements of a comprehensive improvement to design and implement the most ambitious design projects, urban environment. But today nearly every such project is the main compositional solution, made with the help of monumental sculpture. Consider in detail the concept. Sculpture – a kind of art based on the principle of three-dimensional image any subject. Objects of sculptural images are most often men, less animals, nature, or even fewer things. A monumental sculpture designed for specific architectural and spatial or natural environment, is addressed to a mass audience and is intended to specify the architectural image and add to the expressiveness of architectural forms with new shades.
What do you recommend for those who want to publish? – First – you have to write something that the publisher wants to publish. (Just something only. However, this may take time. If you make the gate turn all existing publishers have to consider the possibility that you wrote something unprintable.) Then, you need to come to a publisher directly, or (much more useful if available) through an agent who will you represent. The best way to find an agent or publisher – to see a "Yearbook of artists and writers," which is constantly updated.
(Double-check to ensure whether the person you wrote. Do not send in science fiction medical publication). Wait. Pray. In this way, and was published by Harry Potter. You enter into the story of Americans, or what some other nations? – I'm afraid the answer is 'no', even though you saw a glimpse of the Americans and other nations in the Cup Quidditch World. The reason is obvious: I am writing about Britain and the British school and I see no reason why there need to enter the aliens.
I feel they would look out of place here. I get a lot of advice about what desirable to introduce in the Harry Potter books, but this is my story and my only. If anyone else wants to write about American magicians, he can certainly write your own book. How often do you travel? – I was a little traveled to Europe, and was several times in the States, unfortunately for the most part in book trips, which means that I have seen most of the room hotels, bookstores and television studios with short bursts attraction between them.
… Above, I talked about my friend who lost his taste for running after the competition in physical education classes. A similar story was with me. Also, I was clumsy with his childhood and fat, but our gym teacher was merciless to weaknesses and admit only those who can be the first by dividing all of us in promising and unpromising. After that, I remember myself as a person not running around. I think the fact that some people do not want to run, due to psychological factors. Each of them had once been his athlete, who formed this aversion.
This attitude toward running, of course, did little to improve health and reduce weight. When I started study psychology, it became clear that I have an emotional barrier to an active movement. I found a recurring situation that led to it. One of them I've described. How to break through this barrier? I'll introduce reader so I learned how to run a complete pleasure. I reached the following conclusions: 1.
The aim should be to run, most running, rather than external reasons, such as speed, technique, duration, focus on External results leads to the loss of enjoyment of the races as a natural kind of activity. 2. If the focus is on movement, rhythmic tensing and relaxing muscles, they are themselves a source of pleasure. I later learned that the primary source of pleasure are the rhythmic movements, such as that manifested in the child in the act of sucking; pleasure arises when the child is the object of touch, pressure and strokes. 3. If the focus is on the move, this movement helps to generate pleasure. If the focus is not on the go, but on something external (Rate, method of execution, running out of goals – someone overtaking, from someone not to fall behind, catch), then such a motion can not generate pleasure, as the focus is not on the go, and its impact on symbols.
It was at this time was the popular idea of "natural man, living in natural conditions, and slogan of "Social Contract" by Jean Jacques Rousseau – "Back to Nature!" found active supporters among the owners of large and small estates. According to some researchers, a landscape style came to Europe from the eastern countries, particularly from China and Japan with their worship of the beauty of nature and firm conviction that harmony can be achieved with an asymmetric arrangement of objects on the site. But to assert such would not be quite correct, as familiarity with the traditions of the East, held by traveling to China in the second half of the XIII century, the famous explorer Marco Polo, did not prevent the formation and on a victory march European states regular style of landscape art. Only at the beginning of XX century Eastern traditions, based on a deep symbolism, conciseness and apparent simplicity, have entered into the architecture and landscape design in Europe. Thus, a landscape style was the result of historical development of society and not the result of blind imitation of oriental traditions. Europeans borrowed only the outside of the eastern landscape design: staged in parks and gardens, pavilions, pagodas and pavilions in mostochki Chinese spirit, the same ideas of Oriental sages, based on the philosophical and religious world view, remained alien to Europeans. The most famous representatives of a new trend in gardening began, William Kent, Lancelot Brown and Humphrey Repton. Created by Kent concept plan garden is built on the notion that nature is not peculiar to direct line.