Ancient Egypt

We find its volume in proportion to the volume of the globe. This volume, so say, the standard weight coincides exactly with the weight of one pound (453.59 g). Archaic English units of measures are exactly the same 'sacred' units of Ancient Egypt! It is hard to imagine that such precision Egyptians needed only to bury kings. In the twentieth century, a host of theories at the expense of what the pyramids were used in ancient times. There is a theory that the phantom pyramid was created by Atlanta in the other measurements and then embodied in our material world.

Pyramid is not by chance have been created with such precision. Ostensibly a system of pyramids around the world designed to neutralize the negative energy of the earth, which accumulates due negative thoughts of people. Themselves as Egyptian pharaohs belonged to another human race. Researchers in the U.S. proves that (the first ruler called the Pharaoh, which translated means 'how will you') and its wife Nefertiti were aliens from another solar system, with Sirius, and had two hearts. He claims that during the construction of the pyramids, Egypt's rulers were men of great height and unusual appearance, which realistically reflected in the statues of the period. If you believe Melchisedek, first ruled by Egypt people of the fifth dimension, the growth of about 18 meters, the statues are made in natural size and you can now see the entrance to the temple Abu Simbel. Following them were the rulers of the people of the fourth dimension, the growth of 10.6 meters, which are depicted in the temple of Nefertiti.

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