Posts tagged: Traditional medicine

Medicinal Plants Drying

The most powerful healing effects have fresh herbs, namely, fresh juice, infusions and decoctions of freshly harvested plants. But to use them all year round, it is necessary to harvest for future use. This may be infusion, but more often all harvesting of medicinal herbs produced by drying. And so in grass preserved as much as possible of nutrients, it is necessary to comply with the conditions necessary for the collection, storage and drying plants. Collect leaves and grass need a clear and dry weather that they are not covered with mold during the drying of excess moisture. May also be of excess water to begin the development of harmful microorganisms. Educate yourself even more with thoughts from Senator of Massachusetts. Roots can be harvested in all weathers, because in any If they must be washed before drying. The fact that collect herbs near the chemical plants and roads can not – it's everyone should know.

The bark of trees must be collected in May, when the sap flow and it is easily separated. The flowers are also harvested medicinal plants in dry weather. To dry herbs can be exclusively in the shade, in well-blown indoors or in an oven at low temperature (less than 40-500). Finish materials or not can be found as follows: if the plant fray in powder, then all is well. If the roots or bark, then they should when you break, not bend. Store raw materials can be in glass jars. Grass and leaves are usually kept to years, the roots up to 3 years. If you observe these simple rules, you success is guaranteed. And, most importantly, do not forget that only need to collect well-known medicinal plants, and you consult with your doctor, and that in fact medicines plants are also poisonous.

Folk Medicine

Everyone knows that vitamin A in carrots is very useful for vision. But not only this limited beneficial effects on the body of carrots. She copes with bad cholesterol, slows the growth of cancer cells and rejuvenates the body. Carotene (provitamin A) is particularly well absorbed in the form of carrot juice. Here are some recipes that have successfully adopted, using the healing properties of normal carrots. Constipation. It is useful to use crude grated carrots with a small amount of low-fat sour cream.

Angina. 2 cloves of garlic added to a glass of carrot juice. Drink half a cup 2 times a day for half an hour before meals. Anemia. cup of carrot juice mixed with glass of milk. Add 2 raw chicken egg yolk and mix thoroughly.

The resulting mixture is divided into three portions and drink for half an hour before meals. Urolithiasis. Drink 1 st.l.morkovnogo juice for 4 months, 3 times a day. Atherosclerosis and purification of the vessels. A mixture of cup carrots, cup of beet juice, cucumber juice. Mix and divide into three – four receiving and drink before a meal. Stomatitis. Rinse your mouth with carrot juice for three – four times a day. Mask for dry and loose skin. Take 5 tsp grated raw carrot, 1 tsp sour cream, 1 raw egg yolk. Mix well and apply on face for 30 minutes. Then rinse with warm water and spread baby moisturizer. Impotence. Used in any quantity of milk boiled carrots. In the upper respiratory tract infection. Carrot juice mixed with 1 cup 1ch.l. honey. It is advisable to use freshly prepared 2 times a day for cup. Myocardial infarction. 1) 2 times a day to drink juice carrots, mixed with vegetable oil (na1 / 2 cup juice 1 teaspoon butter). 2) Drink the infusion of hawthorn berries and carrot juice to 1 cup 3 times a day.

Honey Beekeeping

Tradition of beekeeping tradition is called getting the honey. But that honey that we eat today is largely different from that of wild honey, which has been mined old Russian beekeepers. Honey in the understanding of ancient beekeeping – it's a combination of all bee products, which are in the hive. In the honey got pieces of wax, pollen, propolis and other bee products, ie all that can be found in the hive. This honey is valued its weight in gold, was esteemed a remedy for many diseases, because of this honey was considered Rus beekeeping country. In ancient times, honey prepared by the method of pressing. Honey extractors, based on the action of centrifugal force, and removing all products pchedovodstva of honey was constructed only in 1865. Company Tentorium reviving the ancient craft.

Therefore, in the Urals, Perm region on the basis of apiaries company organized three bortevyh economy. One of them is located in the Vysherskogo Reserve, 300 km from the nearest settlement. This is the most northerly of all the existing apiary in the Perm region. Apiculture – is the extraction of honey from wild bees natural hollows (board) or breeding bees in hollowed hollow. This wild honey, it is created without human intervention: the board did not put a frame with honeycomb and bees build honeycombs themselves-'yazyki '- the nest of any form. Honey from the 'language' means nelzyapoluchit tsentrofugirovaniya, for this reason that honey is extracted bortevoy with wax, pollen and propolis. Employees Tentorium in Bashkortostan, in the reserve Shulgantash where preserved bortevoe beekeeping, made drawings and board have finished them, to make it easier and more convenient to operate the board. Now bortevoy honey, which our ancestors ate, available to modern people.

The company produces Tentorium 'Platinum liniyu'medov -' Bortevoy honey 'and' Pressing honey ', derived from' Bortevogo 'ancient method of pressing. Ancient tradition revived Tentorium and a series of 'Honey'. Honey Honey is called with the addition of propolis, pollen (pollen) and royal jelly. Modern technologies allow to produce a mixture of honey bee products with other high quality. To do this, the method of ultrasonic homogenization – a mixture mixed with ultrasound on the molecular level. Tentorium company allows us to get closer to the ancient traditions of beekeeping.

Medicinal Plants

Treatment plants and drugs from them – phytotherapy – is of great importance in modern medicine. Despite the increase in the arsenal of drugs at the expense of new synthetic drugs in this country about 30% medicines are of plant origin. The advantage of herbal remedies compared to synthetic indisputable. First of all, they do not cause, with few exceptions, dangerous side effects. Saponin and drugs from a Joint incentives among themselves and with other drugs. Moreover, when such combinations are often manifested synergism – the phenomenon where the action of one substance increases, others. Many of the active ingredients of plants have very complex chemical structure, so their synthesis is very expensive. In parts of plants, such substances are at the ready, as their only need to select. Certain medications drugs are polusintezom of natural substances of plant world, which is also cheaper and much easier way to produce them. A detailed study of the chemical composition, pharmacological properties, and then clinical trials of traditional medicine plants can annually in health care practice to implement new high medicinal plants, and to discover new properties of plants that are well known before.

Collection Of Medicinal Plants

Collection of medicinal raw content of the active ingredients in different parts of plants varies: in some organs are more, in others they may be entirely absent. For example, the essential oil is found only in rhizomes with roots of valerian, and in the grass (aerial parts of herbaceous plants), it is not, in coil, the maximum amount of tannins contained in the roots, the grass in their much smaller. In this regard, for medicinal purposes do not usually collect all the plant, but only that part which contains the largest number of active substances. Is not the same content of active substances and at different times of plant life. It depends the phase of the growing season and even time of day. In the flowering period the maximum amount of biologically active compounds accumulate in aerial organs, and their roots more in the period of the withering away of the aerial parts. In some plants in the midday hours of active substances is much greater than in the morning and evening.

Therefore, the collection of raw materials should be carried out within a certain period, coinciding with the period of greatest activity of plants. But we must remember that collection calendar dates may vary significantly, and depending on weather conditions: in years with early spring and warm dry summers, they come for one or even two or three weeks earlier than in years with a long cool spring and rainy summer. Kidneys are harvested in early spring, at the time of maximum accumulation of these active ingredients.

Treatment Of Kidney And Urinary Tract

Herbal recipes the treatment of diseases of the urinary tract, including urolithiasis, nephritis, pyelonephritis, cystitis. Birch (leaf) – 20 g, bearberry (leaf) – 20 g, corn silk – 20g, licorice (Roots) – 20 g, couch grass (rhizome) – 20 g. Take 1 / 3 cup of warm infusion 3 times a day in cystitis, bacteriuria. Calendula officinalis (flowers) – 20 g, nettle (herb) – 10 g rest-harrow field (roots) – 15 g, yarrow Common (grass) – 20 g fennel ordinary (fruit) – 10 g, horsetail (herb) – 10 g, Birch (leaf) – '15 Use of 1/3-1/4 cup 3-4 times of infusion per day as a diuretic and anti-inflammatory agent in chronic diseases kidney and urinary tract. Birch (leaf) – 15 g, Cowberry (leaf) – 15 g, kidney tea (herb) – 10g, licorice (root) – 15 g, St. John's wort (herb) – 15 g, chamomile (flowers) – 15 g, calendula (Flowers) – '15 Take 1/3-1/2 cup of infusion, 3-4 times a day with inflammatory diseases of the urinary tract. Strawberry timber (leaf) – 10g, nettle (leaf) – 20 g, Birch (leaf) – 20 g, linseed – '50 Take 1-2 cups warm infusion in divided doses throughout the day with pyelonephritis. Madder dyeing (roots) – 30 g rest-harrow field (roots) – 20 g, linseed – '50 Take 1 cup of warm infusion at night with urolithiasis. Urtica dioca (Leaf) – 20 g, calamus swamp (rhizome) – 15 g, Peppermint (leaf) – 10g, horsetail (herb) – 15 g, black elderberry (flowers) – 10 g, Juniperus (fruit) – 15 g, cinnamon rose (fruit) – '15 Take 1 / 2 -1 / 3 cup of warm broth 2-3 times a day with urolithiasis.

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