The PMN Inflammatory
Coagulation the beginning is immediate after the sprouting of the wound. This phase depends on the plaquetria activity and the coagulation cascade. A complex release of products occurs. Vasoativas substances, adhesive proteins, factors of growth and proteases are set free and dictate the desencadeamento of other phases. The formation of cogulo serves not only to coaptar the edges of the wounds, but also to cross the fibronectina, offering a provisory matrix, where the endoteliais fibroblastos, cells and queratincitos can enter the wound.
Closely on inflammation to the previous phase, the inflammation depends, beyond innumerable chemical mediators, of the inflammatory cells, as the nuclear polimorfos leukocytes (PMN), macrophages and linfcitos. The PMN arrive at the moment of the injury to tissular is for period that varies of three the five days; they are responsible them for fagocitose of the bacteria. The macrophage is the more important inflammatory cell of this phase. It remains of third to the tenth day. Fagocita bacteria, unbridles strange bodies and directs the granulation fabric development. The use of laser of low energy in skin of rats favors the cicatrizao. High fagocitria activity of the macrophages is observed trauma after.
The linfcitos appear approximately in the wound in one week. Its paper is not clear-cut, however it knows that, with its linfocinas, it has important influence on the macrophages. Beyond the inflammatory cells and of the chemical mediators, the inflammatory phase account with the important paper of the fibronectina. Synthecized for a variety of cells as fibroblastos, endoteliais queratincitos and cells, it adheres, simultaneously to the fibrina, the colgeno and other types of cells, functioning as well as glue to consolidate cogulo of fibrina, the cells and the components of matrix. Beyond forming this base for the extracellular matrix, it has quimiotticas properties and it promotes the psonizao and fagocitose of strange bodies and bacteria. Proliferation Divided in three subfases, proli