United States

In the study he was evidenced how much it is important that the professionals ploughs ready you identify the signals of PCR well entering with the due maneuvers of reversion of the picture with professional skill. Keyword: PCR, nurse, daily pay-hospital 1.INTRODUO the cardiorrespiratria stop (PCR) is always a dramatical occurrence, which responsible for one is raised morbimortalidade, exactly in situations of ideal attendance. Therefore in this situation the time corresponds an important 0 variable extremely, esteem itself that, to each minute without reversion of the picture, in the individual PCR victim, it corresponds 10% to less of supervened probability of. (SON et al, 2003). According to Ribeiro, Born and Jnior (2004), in the United States, 930,000 people die for cardiovascular illnesses, corresponding 43% of the deaths of all the causes, being that of these, approximately 500,000 must the coronarianas illnesses. About 50% of these deaths they occur suddenly, inside of first the 02 hours of the beginning of the symptoms, being that 2/2 happen outside of the hospital, in this way the sudden deaths had to the coronarianas illnesses represent the most frequent medical emergencies. Bartholomay et al 2003, defines the stop cardiorrespiratria as sudden absence of spontaneous ventilation and pulse in great arteries, folloied of loss of the conscience in one exactly individual at the same time, being thus, in this situation occurs the sudden and generally unexpected cession of the cardiac and respiratory functions. According to Silva and Padilha (2001), the PCR, in itself does not represent a pointer me the quality of the assistance, however it demonstrates, mainly, the gravity level where the patient meets, a present time, the survival possibility depends, to a large extent, of the immediate application, adjusted and insurance of the reanimao maneuvers that they readily need to be instituted with the purpose to restore the functions vital and consequently to prevent irreversible cerebral injury.

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