The Deaf
The deaf people are considered sick rehabilitated and the pedagogical attempts are practical reabilitrias derived from the medical diagnosis whose only end is the ortopedia of fala' '. In such a way, in the medical vision, the deaf person is one ' ' citizen deficiente' ' that it needs to be corrected from the hearing lack. This way to think rees-echo, negative, in all the aspects of its lives. However, some authors have defended the deafness in another perspective in a boarding partner-antropolgica and in this context they emphasize the different existence of a deaf culture permeada by behaviors, values, attitudes, social practical styles cognitivos and of the culture listener. From the vision partner-antropolgica, it is basic to be intent to the implications of the deaf culture in the life in the people with deafness. The deaf person is inserted in two communities the deaf community and of listeners. As much the deaf community how much the listener has its culture and, therefore, a proposal educational for deaf people has that to consider the two cultures, thus it must be bilingual, and ' ' bicultural' '.
This is, must favor the natural access of the deaf person to the two languages – the language of signals and of the country where deaf person is inserted, and to propitiate the access of the deaf person to the deaf community, making with that it if recognizes as integrant part of this community and participates, still, in the community listener. The culture of the deaf person is represented mainly by the language of signals that has propitiated the communication between the deaf people. The history of the deaf ones shows the necessity that has to remain joined, to construct a proper identity while group. The culture of the deaf people, thus understood, if discloses in the cognitivos behavior, values, attitudes, social practical styles and.