The Candida Fungus

Mushrooms are a strange for many people life-forms, which are extremely common and creep as parasites in their hosts. Find a moist and not too acidic milieu, like to settle them and spread unchecked, as long as they are not prevented. The Candida fungus is so secret guest who drives his mischief in very many people. He takes over, he is extremely uncomfortable, as for example vaginal fungus. e this success. Various causes for vaginal fungus generally can be the Candida fungus actually only then spread when the immune system is weakened. In a healthy human, bacteria and other micro-organisms keep the fungus in check and prevent him from an increased proliferation. As soon as but one slightly immunodeficiency, seizes his chance of Candida fungus and multiplied at high speed.

The vagina fungus is favored by some other factors. For one, the excessive personal hygiene is to name a few. The often aggressive intimate lotions kill the natural colonization of the vagina with germs and remove This just bacteria, which should inhibit the Candida fungus. The vagina fungus can be transmitted through unprotected sexual intercourse and settle in the vagina. The sharing of towels and towels is also a risk to transmit the spores. The hormonal changes in the woman can change the vaginal environment, that the vagina mushroom finds ideal conditions and multiplied. The pregnancy or the menopause can bring such hormonal changes and anti-fungal contrary to get the Candida.

Unpleasant and impairing symptoms in the vaginal fungus infestation of the vagina by the Candida pulls a discharge after himself, which is rather crumbly as dry cottage cheese and can smell after yeast fungus. An unbearable itching and a sharp burning sensation set to another quickly there, which can be very distressing. Vesicles, pustules and a reddish rashes may occur, the skin can also easily crack. Also be pain during intercourse and make this part of impossible. Therapy at a vagina mushroom man goes to the doctor, so he will choose an antifungal mushroom after the diagnosis of vaginal Candida first which is applied as ointment or as a suppository. The active ingredients contained therein to inhibit the growth of the fungus and kill all existing fungi. But already widely penetrated the vagina mushrooms, no longer be achieved by means of a local, then additional preparations will be returned, are to take orally. Unfortunately usually not lasting success is this therapy. The acute vagina fungus is perhaps repressed, but because the causes are left untreated, he adjusts itself again at the next opportunity. Therefore is an alternative on the page of a very attractive opportunity, the Candida fungus to finally rid. Natural and gentle manner, the fungal infection is fought successfully since a holistic approach assumes not only the symptom, but also the cause in attack. Without aggressive chemical drugs, he finds Body to its natural equilibrium back.

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