Posts tagged: Vitamins

Radical Revolution In Medicine

Beginning of the 21th century was marked by fundamental changes in approaches to medicine man. From medicine to medicine the energy-symptomatic when the disease is considered a violation of the Programme operation in the energy field of a person. Now it became clear that the full restoration of health is necessary to remove a predisposition to the disease, which lies in emotional and ancestral memory, restore the capacity of each cell and the organism as a whole. It is well known that the body – it is self-regulating system. In order to function for many years without the disease, it is necessary: – to raise immunity to levels which is not the conditions for the development of parasites, infections, tumors, – to restore metabolism, cleanse the blood, etc.

– Rid the body of the sick, damaged and defective cells, replace them with healthy, young and active. This problem is entirely new for that medicine, with which we encounter in our lives. For thousands of years have been in search of "the elixir of youth" and "living water." It was only at the beginning of the 21st century quest culminated success. Came to the aid biochemistry. These are fundamental, but the new development of Russian scientists, biologically active product line, "Immunoresurs." These are universal products that address the full range of tasks simultaneously. For a particular solution of the problem ought to find a derivative of chlorophyll, which would actively accumulated in the tumor is of new cells required derivative was found in spirulina. It is known since ancient times in medicine its useful svoystvami.Nashi scientists led by AV Reshetnikov, and ID-Zalewski resolutely the problem of whether selective accumulation of photosensitizer only abnormal (tumor) and chuzherod – tion cells. Next is active body irradiation with daylight, under the influence of which are actively involved processes fotosinteza.Dlya healthy cells that have adopted fotosensibiliza – torus in optimal doses, the liberated oxygen is good, because he immediately switched to the exchange, providing a second wind cells.

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