Social Norms Medicine
The African continent does not deserve commentaries. Done exception to the South Africa. In relation to Asia what we have as it has detached is the China that badly obtains to produce stops to feed a population that grows almost in exponential way that. India, Japan, Coreia of the south, Australia and Nova Zelndia are not compared with Brazil. This panorama that if discloses for next the 19 years will go to demand that the two professions of pair up to assume the advantage of the installed productive systems and to be installed. The new productive systems will go to not only demand of the two professions specific knowledge, but uneven intermeshing technician. The Curricular Grating of the Course of Medicine Veterinary medicine, does not approach with the enough depth and nor is of its formador profile while of professionals of the area of Agrarian Sciences, teachings regarding Administration.
Something regarding Agricultural Administration exists yes, but circumscribed and it is limited. It is known that complex productive in the areas of poultry keeping, cattle of cut, cattle of milk, swines and inside of few years piscicultura, for legal device demand the presence of Professionals Graduated Medicine Veterinary medicine, but this is not the angular rock of sustentation. The great angular rock is the capacity technique and professional that brings in its luggage of day to day life, by means of courses, training, seminaries, periods of training in entities of recognized capacity, measure the developed studies. The Medicine Veterinary medicine, or better, the Professionals Graduated Medicine Veterinary medicine, knows to produce inside of the Ethical standards, Security Alimentar and Biossegurana, demanded for more the import countries. They produce foods of Sanitary, Ambient and Social Norms inside. But of another side them it is not of professional ability To manage.
We Doctors () Veterinarians () are not enabled to act in the branch of the Administration. Our activity is come back toward sanitary systems in the most varied domestic and exotic animal species. In the production of animals destined it abates to it, in integrated systems productive. In the esportivas areas where animal they require special attention in the areas of physiology, ortopedia, nutrition. In clinics and hospitals veterinarians. In the alimentary industries where the products of animal origin are the essential base. At last in these cited segments and others exist many, exist yes the necessity of the Administrator. The Administrator who enverede for the branch of the agronegcio? productive systems? it will have great possibilities of success. If does not have to face the Administrator as that professional who is the time all behind a table and with on its notebok, at least in the productive agricultural food area? prime rea -. One of the devoid segments is what it relates the Administration of Human resources. Rarssimas country properties counts on the services directed toward the social politics, where the presence of the Administrator is essential. The association of knowledge in the two professions: Medicine Veterinary medicine and Administration tends to be the great chance for next the 19 years. A time more the interdisciplinaridade will be the great tonic.