Sonophoresis Therapy

What is it? “Application of sound waves is the use of sound waves to the healing to cure as Phonophoresis” or also Sonophoresis “referred to. This procedure, acupuncture points, muscles or individual organs are stimulated by certain Klangzeuge, as for example a tuning fork. The vibration and the sound of tools which are used here as physical therapy equipment. The sound waves is said that you can get into the body and thereby to promote the natural recovery. The Phonophoresis represents an alternative to the acupuncture, which is a highly effective method especially for fear of needles on the part of the patient. Forks are placed on the meridians, the meridians of the body.

Possible restless vibrations be traced imbalances in the body, which may be responsible for general weaknesses of the organism. The sound waves are so primarily not the therapy, but the diagnosis. But reportedly the General through the procedure Restore well-being and even positive effects for disorders such as anxiety, tension pain or back problems, which cannot be fixed by a massage device for the back. Allegedly the sound waves can also be used, to individual vertebrae due to the vibrations again be put up. Since the effect of the Phonophoresis is however not scientifically proven, the therapy is not paid by the statutory health insurance.

The magnetic therapy magnetic field therapy is one of the alternative medical treatments. In this form of treatment, patients are either static or pulsating but exposed to magnetic fields of various frequencies. Magnetic therapy is among other things used for acute injuries, vascular, rheumatic diseases or even sports injuries. The physiotherapy equipment used cause electromagnetic fields which Atomic and molecular interactions in the body are energetically affected. The natural processes can be supported as a result and the Therapy helps regenerate and stabilize the health and recovery processes. The magnetic field therapy is partly paid by health insurance. There is one possible cost of prescribed equipment for magnetic field therapy is possible. Magnetic therapy is practiced in general hospitals and doctors, using various magnetic field therapy devices, the effect of which is but the same. The most prestigious are devices which build their effect through an electrically pulsating magnetic field. Strength and frequency are adjustable, which is a distinct advantage over the static devices. Greater magnetic rings and coils are used in medical practices and clinics. Typically longer-term treatments are necessary, even a home-based therapy is not uncommon, possible rheumatic complaints in addition to the magnetic field therapy should be also Additionally treated with a massage device for the back. The magnetic fields have the property, clothing and even Plaster casts to penetrate, which ensures a very simple treatment. Magnetic fields can not be felt. According to recent findings, treatment by magnetic fields seems harmless, but should patients be treated with implants or pacemakers never through magnetic fields, since interactions with the electronics cannot be ruled out.

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