Chronic Disease Symptoms
Has the natural organism “Human” excess acid ballast accumulated, are corresponding to the investment chronic suffering of the logical consequence of Trier. Us today as rheumatism, diabetes, eczema, psoriasis, allergies, asthma, heartburn, obesity, irritable bowel syndrome, ADHD, depression known symptoms – as well as many other symptoms also referred to in the so-called acidification–are not diseases in the classical sense, but they are among the recurring – by suppressing – suffering known as “chronic”. Their permanent oppression can even cause that different symptoms again become apparent in a different place (statements, arise from the following). True diseases based on detectable congenital damage; u0085on permanent damage caused, for example, through injury. u0085on detectable infections caused by for bacteria penetrating from the outside into the organism and viruses. Chronic disease differs thereof by his (seemingly) gratuitous appearance.
The symptoms are mainly caused by unconscious due to dietary congestion of the metabolic organs and the concomitant “backlog” of acidic waste products of metabolism (metabolism). Due to this constant overload also the formation of the enzymes and hormones that are essential for a careful as possible useful close up of nutrients is complicated – lactase and insulin include probably the most popular of these essential digestive aid. A vicious circle begins to build up, because careful digestion of food abundance is now increasingly manages and moves so that the entire body chemistry. This impeded the formation of many other enzymes and hormones, but they are essential for our mental as physical well-being, because they bring the nutrients in a form in which it is only usable for the organism. This digestive aid that is missing is the “backlog” unverwertbarer acid waste products pre-programmed. This concatenation of mechanisms behind the cause of the mass suffering of our modern civilization. Because the (living) “engine” of the affected people will be not tired now – according to the laws of nature again and again for ways to seek to dispose of these sickening acid ballast (the investment according to). Now lacks food-friendly, easily usable, is to be expected that, for example, chronic asthma – the frequent result of suppressed eczema – in his expression is always stronger. The same applies to the suppressed psoriasis. She then gladly passes into chronic joint pain, deformed nails and hair loss. Ulrike Wagner, Trier