Adenosine Cells

The Ach directly acts on the muscarnicos receivers of the M3 type gifts in the basolateral membrane of the parietais cells. These receivers are connected protein G, that activate second responsible messengers for the way of dependent intracellular calcium signalling. Thus, the H+/K+ ATPase (protonic bomb) is activated, liberating acid clordrico (MAYER, 2007). Beyond the direct performance on the parietal cell, the Ach can activate it indirectly, through stimulatons to the cells enterocromafins and cells G, increasing the secretion of histamina and gastrina (MILK, 2004). The secretion of the gastrina hormone for cells G also is stimulated by set free products during the digestion, as amino acids. The gastrina interacts with receivers colecistoquinina K2 (CCK 2) gifts in the membrane of the parietais cells and acts the Ach similarly, for the dependent intracellular calcium way (BLACKSMITH, 2005). The histamina interacts with express H2 receivers in the membrane of the parietais cells, creating the way of dependent intracellular Adenosine signalling Mono Cyclical Fosfato (AMPc). Thus, the stimulaton of the H+/K+ ATPase for release of acid clordrico occurs (MAYER, 2007).

Figure 1: Schematical representation of the mechanisms involving the secretion of acid clordrico for the parietal cell (BONAMIN, 2010). The bombs protonic H+/K+ ATPases present subunidades alpha that promote the exchange of the H+ (intracellular) for the K+ (extracellular). This process occurs for the expense of Adenosina Trifosfato (ATP). The protonic bombs are in tubulovesiculas in the cytoplasm of the parietal cell. With the activation of the receivers of membrane for the respective agonistas (figure 1) and consequent activation of the second messengers, it occurs the translocao and fusing of these tubulovesiculas for the plasmtica membrane. When ceasing the stimulaton, tubulovesiculas I contend the protonic bombs migram for cytoplasm (BONAMIN, 2010) 3.2. Peptic Ulcerao Currently, the peptic ulcer reaches about 4 million people in the United States, being that 3000 of them go the death in result of its clinical complication.

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