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A good Coacher achieved long-term improvement for its clients success Coacher Dantse can easily answer that question: you can’t coach as you would fix a car not a people: finds the Automechniker: the ignition is broken, that’s why the car won’t start. A new ignition switch up and the car is repaired. This approach can be found also in medicine, but Mr Dantse says: it’s better otherwise! Will be helped better the people, when looking at it in its wholeness. A good and successful Coacher is the man regarded as a unit in its diversity. !\” Darmstadt, March 12, 2009 – the Coacher Dantse from other coaching techniques distinguishes itself, by he refuses to share the problems of the people in areas and individually to edit without the life of man, his way of life, to take into account its social and local environment, his family, his experience, and so on. It asks while a lot of energy, a lot of potential, much insight, very much quality, enormous Competence, good insights in all areas of life and a thorough knowledge of the people, the seeking help to look holistically, to analyze and to coach. It is not advisable to limit the coaching on specific areas (professional partnership, finances, conflict consultation, personality training, etc.) and just work. Only if you look at the whole person, you reach a real and long-term improvement according to Mr Dantse for the client.

To do this, he says: I think it’s wrong, when coaching the man with his problems is seen not as a unit. This way, which is common in Western countries, seems to be the easiest solution, but not the best for the user. A problem with this method, but 10 others arise. You can see that even with medications, such as when the woman pill, while unwanted pregnancy prevents, but increases the risk of cancer.

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