History Of A Nightmare

The Protocols and Procedures Manual Transplant Service, in collusion with high levels of liver enzymes … I returned to the past! The afternoon of Monday, came through the door of hospitalization, was dressed in a straitjacket that I had Dr. Martin Padilla, wearing a bag on my right hand and wearing the Order of Hospitalization, walking beside me Marujita pursued by demons and ghosts walk through that door … it was crazy! The guards checked the order and opened the briefcase and found only clothes and fears, the nurse on duty greeted us with joy and said, noting the 503 bed … Here is his bed!, A chill came over me, on that old bed had been several friends die in that old cot agonize and revived, but smiled and thanked her, fearfully near me … Hello, "I said and I settled in the room at my sides Jean Pierre, Anne and Raquelita, fought against death, had encephalopathy, and acute graft rejection Kaposi Sarcoma of clothing I put on the hospital, took my vitals, I placed a route and started with punctures, had promised to count them until my Alta, Marujita went and I was more alone than ever, the night was installed Hospital with his routine, shift change, personnel would, entering personal, chatter on all sides, the hours passed, the distance is heard the series "In the background there is room", "Magaly TV" I received my medications and the lights … bedtime!, the next day I expected a tiring day …

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