The Nursing Team

She was perceived that the nursing team knew to answer this question with security, with this understands that they know these medications. Survey knowing of them of the team of referring nursing to the one complications Reanimao Cardiopulmonar. In accordance with the graph above, 100% of the Nurses had answered erroneamente knowing on them referring to the complications of a Reanimao Cardiopulmonar. As demonstrated in the graph, 23% of the Technician of nursing had answered correctly, and 77% erraram knowing on them referring to the complications of a Reanimao Cardiopulmonar. In accordance with Nettina (2003) the complications of the Reanimao Cardiopulmonar are: Syndrome of Anguish after-ressuscitao (riots in multiple agencies) and neurological comprometimento, neurological injury.

The majority of the answers of the nursing team was errnea. Being thus, it is perceived lacks it to know on the complications of a RCP. Survey knowing of them of the team of nursing on responsible for the revision and the maintenance of the stand of emergency. The graph demonstrates that 58% of the Nurses had answered correctly, and 42% had answered erroneamente on who must revise and keep car of emergency organized, while 74% of the Technician of nursing had answered correctly, and 26% erroneamente on who must revise and keep the organized car of emergency. In accordance with Rogante and Furcolin (2004, P. 83 the 86) the urgency car must be revised and be complemented by the nurse of the unit at the beginning of each planto and immediately after the use. To keep it with label, in which the name of the nurse will have to be registered who revised the car, the date, to the hour of the last revision and material in lack in the hospital. He will always have to be the priority of the nurse, therefore it will not be able to fail at the moment of the urgency, for not having been checked with antecedence.

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