The Bacillus
The healthy person, breathing in the contaminated environment, finishes inalando this mycobacterium that will implant itself in a place of the lung. In few weeks, a small inflammation will occur in the implantation zone. It is not still an illness. It is the first contact of the embryo with the organism (primoinfeco). After this, this bacterium can spread itself and if lodge in some places of the body. If the system of defense of the organism will be with a good monitoring, in the majority of the cases, the bacterium will not cause illness, will be without activity (latent period). If, in some moment of the life, this system of defense to diminish, the bacterium that was in the latent period will be able to enter in activity and to come to cause illness.
But, also it has the possibility of the person to acquire the illness in the first contact with the embryo. Agencies more frequently acometidos by the illness: Pulmes, meninges, larynx, ganglia, pleura, kidneys, brain, vertebral column and bones. Then, after the transmission of the bacillus of Koch for the inalatria way, four situations can to occur: 1. The individual, through its defenses, eliminates the bacillus; 2. Abactria if develops, but not cause the illness; 3. Atuberculose if develops, causing the illness called primary tuberculosis; 4.
Aativao of the illness some years later called after-primary tuberculosis (for endogenous reactivation). The after-primary tuberculosis from a new also exists infects that it occurs, usually, for a more virulent embryo (aggressive). The contagiosidade of the illness depends: Of the extension of the illness for example, people with ' ' cavernas' ' in the lung or the pulmes, they have greater possibility to contaminate other people. ' ' cavernas' ' are injuries as sockets caused for the bacillus of the tuberculosis in the sick person. Inside of these injuries many bacilli exist; Of the respiratory secretion release in the environment through the act of tossir, to speak, to sing or to sneeze; Of the local conditions of the environment with little light and badly ventilated favors I infect; Of the time of exposition of the healthy individual with the sick person.