Pilates Exercises
There are fewer needs for the modern man in motion. Fewer work requiring physical effort. And our life is so undeveloped that you can spend days lying on the couch, making short visits to the kitchen. The Long Winter is not very pleasant for us to encourage walking in the park. And once we notice that our body loses its former elegance, flexibility, muscles become flabby, there is clumsiness, we chuvstvoem restriction mobility of joints. Here it is worth remembering and the well-known, seemingly banal truth-Movement is life! Of course, if you are 20 years-all just .. Running to the nearest sports club and do anything there. Why only the soul lies.
And if you are no longer twenty years? In any case, as in any age should take urgent steps to restore the livelihoods of our joints. You should begin with a smooth slow motion. Here comes to the rescue by the method of Pilates exercises. This set of exercises developed by German Dr. Joseph Hubert Pilates. may find it difficult to be quoted properly. Otherwise, the method Contrology. Engage in such exercises can be people of any age and sex, with any level of physical training. Risk of injury is absent completely.
The main rules, exercises are done slowly and smoothly. You will learn to control your body and live in harmony with yourself, learn a special breathing that manages the blood supply to the brain, improving blood circulation in the body. The combination of movement with the correct breathing – the key to building muscle and well-being. During the lessons you have to listen yourself, trying to do everything exercises correctly, yet completely rule out any pain. Simply put – to make them as much as you comfortably. The main motto of flexibility, recovery should be gradual, and the lesson regular and it does not matter if the first day of training you feel completely wooden! No need to commit violence against them. You gradually restore the mobility of your joints and body flexibility. Also, thanks regular practice strengthens the abdominals, back and improves posture, coordination, increase flexibility, joint mobility, work the deep abdominal muscles. Complex Pilates is very good for women of any age, so develops as the pelvic floor muscles. The gradual and methodical, which is a restoration of the body, making the method of Pilates classes in useful and accessible to those who due to illness had been deprived for some time usual mobility. Classes in Pilates method starts with the lightest of slow exercise. This is a peculiar twist, spinning and stretching the muscles. Fulfill their needs at least five or six weeks, during which you learn to breathe deeply and evenly chest and feel your body has become flexible again, resilient, active and rejuvenated. You can then try to complicate the task. For employment it is necessary to choose convenient, are not restricted motion, and clothing. Pilates exercises are performed all barefoot! To do gymnastics on the method of Pilates can be in the group, under the guidance of an experienced coach, but you can own, at home. There is no any contraindications to physical exercise by the method of Pilates. However, if you suffer from any chronic illness, you should consult with your doctor. Health and youth to you!