Pregnancy And Back Pain

Pregnancy and pain in spineLechenie back pain in pregnancy Treatment of back pain in pregnancy – a difficult problem because of restrictions on the use of effective medication, physiotherapy and reflexology during this period. In pregnant women are also contraindicated chiropractic and massage therapy. Truly 'lifeline' in a series of treatments are nemedikamntoznyh osteopathic techniques. Osteopathic techniques are the basis of Osteopathy and Applied Kinesiology. Through a soft, smooth and precise impact they have provided invaluable assistance particularly for pregnant women. Treatment methods of Osteopathy and Applied Kinesiology, allows a woman during the pregnancy to maintain a comfortable feeling, easier childbirth and postpartum period.Prichiny back pain in pregnant women Pregnant women often complain of back pain, heaviness in the stomach, heartburn, belching, swelling. All these complaints are not related, it would seem, with each other may be due to common causes – stress the diaphragm. To get rid of these evils and discomfort, which contribute to and already difficult period in a woman's life, in some cases it is enough just one of osteopathic treatments.

Why is there such painful discomfort? Diaphragm – a large dome-shaped muscle that separates the chest from the abdomen. It is the main muscle involved in the act of breathing. The muscles, "legs" diaphragm is attached to the spine. When you inhale the diaphragm descends, the lungs expand, respectively, while exhalation rises, while the lungs are compressed. The growing uterus is pressing the liver, stomach and diaphragm. Last completely omitted.

As a result, the diaphragm feet never relax, from which, sooner or later there is a sense of sustained pain in his back. Yes, it is in the back, lumbar region, as the 'legs' that is where the diaphragm are attached to the spine. In addition, the lungs in pregnant women is not fully extended, respectively, in their congestions occur, which manifests dyspnea, especially in the 'supine'.

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