Homeopathic Remedies
The only remedy constitutes one of the beddings most important of the homeopatia, however in the practical one it is very difficult of being found, therefore it is the specific medicine for the patient, where all its symptomatic picture will be cured. This medicine differentiated for each patient is known as Simillium (SOURCES et al., 2009). Had to this, two different patients with descriptions and personalities, however with the same illness will receive medicines distinct (KINKER, 1997). The homeopticos medicines have vegetal, mineral and animal origin, DES products of chemical, pharmaceutical and biological origin, as well as of chemical preparations special developed by Hahnemann. The fungos, bacteria and protozorios also are used for homeopticos medicine preparation, however, are classified to the part (SOURCES et al., 2009).
The medicine proceeding from the animal or vegetal kingdom, generally is prepared with a part of the cool substance and another one of alcohol that can be substituted by physiological serum in the first dilutions so that it does not lose its medicamentoso effect. This substance is called Dye Mother. Already of mineral origin it must be triturated and later diluted (CESAR, 2008). The dilution decimal receives letter D and the number that more comes after that nothing is how many times the substance was diluted, already the centesimal dilution, receives acronym C, followed of the number that it of a order and exists another dilution, the milesimal cinquenta, that it is represented by letter L (capital), or for association L and LM (capital), that it corresponds to the highest dilution (SOURCES et al., 2009). 4,4 Homeopticas schools the homeopatia is based on the Law of Similitude, with a holistic vision of the sick person, that is, taking in account the physical, organic and mental aspects. Due to impreciso of the symptoms, the inexistence of complete patogenias capable to cover all the symptoms observed in the sick person, created diverse forms of lapsing of the homeoptico medicine. .