Diagnosis of Irises

Iris is a kind of passport to health, in which using a special status can be read information on the physical and emotional condition of any person. Diagnosis of iris engaged in another Egyptian doctors during the reign of Pharaoh . The famous priest of the Pharaoh El Aks remembered not only as iridodiagnost first, but as a man, by which the science of the iris and spread from Egypt to Babylon, Tibet, Indochina and other regions. El Aks wrote his knowledge in two papyri length of 50 meters. They were found in excavation of tombs in Giza.

In 's tomb of the priest was found a few made in a special way of color plates depicting the eyes of Pharaoh. They are mute testimony to the fact that the ruler of Egypt was very painful chelovekom.V Europe the ancient art of reading the eyes acquired the status of science as recently as the middle of the xix century, thanks to Hungarian physician Ignatz von Pektseli. His name is associated the following legend. When Pektseli was 11 years old, he tried to free an owl trapped in his garden, but broke her foot. Pursuing treatment owl boy noticed that the iris bird appeared dark strip-mark. As recover this streak brightened, and then turned into a white stripe with a speck of pigment. Later, working in a surgical hospital, Pektseli watched iris changes in people with various diseases. As a result, His research appeared the first scheme of projection zones in which each organ of the body corresponds to a certain projection zone in the iris.

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