Tropical Zone Tail
Red legs short and small. Summer visitors are easily distinguished by its characteristic peak, and its lower jaw is considerably longer than upper. Appears at the end of September and October to disappear in May. With great agility and skill, usually flying at water level, with the peak usually lower jaw ajar and "scratching" the surface. At first it was thought that this was his way of obtaining food, small animals on the surface, but subsequent observations indicate that feed on small fish and crustaceans that are individually captured in flight as standing on the banks, so that, apparently, the break of water bill would aim to attract the curiosity of the fish to rise to the surface and capture. Semidiurnal Ave activity, feeding at dawn and dusk, and even the full moon. During the day, is grouped in flocks on beaches or sand bars of rivers.
The Hawk General Features: Measures 56 cm. And weighs 800 grams. Thick, wing wide, short tail and broad. Adults are black slate, white colacon broadband in the middle, white tip is observed on the flight. (Sometimes bands have one or more narrow and incomplete partially hidden at the base of the tail. Bright yellow facial skin, legs pale yellow) The iris is brown, wax, loreal area. The immature specimen is dark brown above with paint before, with the lower face and head with black listed profusely. The tail is roughly Jimmy and white or to black. Habitat: Tropical Zone. Usually, but more locally to N of the Orinoco.