Posts tagged: Equipment


The most convenient way to make this electric hammer (something like a huge punch), he really quite big and heavy, and of course – not cheap, but it is just for such tasks. It is certainly possible and hammer, but in the first place – for longer secondly it is not working, and violence against the tool, and it (the tool), it nenavidit.Itak, we assume that the floor clean for you. As much as possible to the concrete floor (the default is considering concrete, because it is the most frequent variant). Now we have to use the level and find the highest point on the floor. Here are possible options.

If you do a tie at once for the whole apartment, it is better gidrourovnem use, or (better yet) laser levels. But here, everything is not smooth: it also happens that the surface differences between the different rooms, up to 70 – 80 mm, and more. Should we in that case show area of the entire apartment in one plane? On the one hand it's cool and beautiful, on the other – a terrible cost overruns and excess load on the floor. In this case it is better to use a different method of leveling the floor (for example – the floors of crushed expanded clay and gypsum fiber board), and can perform all the same tie, but to bring every room to a separate level of minimumu.Eto not so nice, but on the other hand, if you do not ride on the flat on the rollers, much must not interfere, and the differences 20 40 mm easily decorated with aluminum thresholds, with the result that does not look too scary.

Low Oil

DP jack 10 is comprised of base on which a plate 2 mounted hydraulic pump 3 and hydraulic cylinder telescopic working 4. Pump housing 5 is closed from the top cover 6, in which there are 7 to handle the transfer and installation of jacks and 8 control handle with a safety valve. Side of the pump housing 5 is the handle 9, is designed for installation in its operating handle 10. Handle 9 can be installed in two positions: upright and horizontal. For installation in a horizontal position to unscrew a nut 11 is mounted and rearranged the handle 9 to 1 … 2 hex shaft, and then fasten the handle to the new position of nut 11. Inside the housing 5 pump is equipped with two pumps dvuplunzhernyh: 12 Low pressure and high pressure outlet 13 14 and 15 reverse valves. Pump control shall handle 9 through a shaft 16 and yoke 17.

Handle 8 is associated with stem pressure relief valve 18. On the cover cap 6 has 19 to top up the oil pump inside the case. On the side of the housing 5 is installed plug 20, instead of which can be installed (via an adapter) to gauge pressure not less than 70 MPa for the control of operating pressure and adjust the safety valve 18. DP jack 10 operates as follows. Its installed between the sleepers on ballast aligned so that the telescopic 4 cylinder was under the sole of the rail. In the handle knob 9 is inserted working 10 and pumped oil to the desired height of the lift cylinder.

In the course of 12 plunger pump up the low-pressure oil that is in its working cavity has an upper volume and a plunger pulls over 13 high blood pressure. At the same time opens the inlet valve 14 and into the working cavity of the piston high-pressure oil supplied from the tank. When moving the plunger 12 down oil in its working chamber with low pressure pushes the piston plunger 13, forcing it to move down. Due to the change section of the plunger 13 of high pressure moving down, hands in return valve 15 oil (with a pressure of 2 times greater) in the cavity of the telescoping cylinder 4. In this case the inlet valve closes 14, cutting off the oil tank of the working cavity of the pump. During the return of the working pressure of the handle 10 the operator's hands through the shaft 16 and rocker 17 transferred to a second pump, and the process repeated. At the end of recovery you must click on the hilt of eight control and safety valve, pressing his foot on the cylinder, put it down. At excess pressure over Desktop offers a safety valve 18 and flows into the oil tank. Thus, the safety valve protects the hydraulic system of high pressure (above normal) and bypassed oil at the end of the work of cylinder to the tank. To adjust the valve 18 screwed his body. Ram DP 1.10 is a modification of the jack 10 without PD of the second stage (high pressure) pump. The work of this modification of the jack with low pressure carried out similar work the jack 10 with PD, except that it has no high-pressure plunger.

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