Impaired Glucose Metabolism

The fasting plasma glucose greater than or equal venous 126 mg / dl (7 mmol / l) at least twice. 2. There diabetes symptoms and a random plasma glucose greater than or equal venous 200 mg / dl (11.1 mmol / l). Although not be fasting. It is not necessary a second determination. 3.

The venous plasma glucose at 2 hours after oral loading test with 75 g of glucose is greater than or equal to 200 mg / dl (11.1 mmol / l). What types of diabetes exist? a Diabetes Type 1: result of the destruction of cells in the pancreas that produce insulin (beta cells) that predisposes to severe metabolic decompensation called ketoacidosis. It is more typical in younger people (below 30 years). a Type 2 Diabetes Characterized by insulin resistance that can be associated or not with insulin deficiency and can be present with few symptoms for a long time. This form is more common in people over 40 years but is becoming more frequent to appear in younger subjects. a Gestational Diabetes: diabetes whose onset is recognized during pregnancy.

The women who have to be studied after birth because diabetes may or may not persist after. a Other forms of diabetes: conditions that are basically various specific forms of genetic diabetes or diabetes associated with other diseases or medication use. Among the most common are diseases of the pancreas and the use of steroids in some treatments. a Impaired Glucose Metabolism There are some clinical situations intermediate between normality and diabetes confirmed situations are known as Impaired Glucose Metabolism, has now returned to rescue the term pre-diabetes to call them that was abandoned during few years.

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