First Diploma Football Installed
In the afternoon yesterday formally settled the first Diploma of Football at the facilities of the Venezuelan Olympic Committee (COV). With starting date on Monday 16 March, the course will run until December 14 in the first level with the raid so far, around 100 participants among graduates in sports, physical education teachers, coaches (professional or otherwise), journalists and the general public. “We had the opportunity to be represented at various courses abroad and it is our duty to transmit the acquired knowledge and support initiatives like this,” said Eduardo Alvarez, President of VOCs, in a few words to show acto. lvarez added that the project was presented at the time by Noel Sanvicente and Rodolfo Paladini as a proposal to specialize and professionalize football coaches at all levels, with emphasis on working with minor football. The proposal was supported and also has the backing of Ekipo Group of Argentina. “Few of us can go abroad for specialized courses. We want to open that option here in the country, “said Sanvicente. Author: John Sifontes Sousa (2009). Newspapers The Leader in Sports. Document online Available at: id 73942 sid 59