The Reason the Emotion the Instinct Following the order we go to observe the word KING, is alone to understand the Reason better that is to reason and to think, we are intelligent the sufficient only to act after having very thought. The Emotion is the consequncias suffered for the recklessness to make the things randomly, or alone for the tezo, that is good is, more the price is very high. the Instinct is that evildoer who absorbs my reason and my emotion, leaving my hormones uncontrolled and malgrados sufferings when inverting the order of this acrstico, not forming more thing none not to be choros and the candles. Instinct + Emotion + Reason = IER.Sexo is pure pleasure, confusion of love with tezo, that fulls the heart of much emotion, ' ' to hold the wave is preciso' ' ' ' to live is preciso' ' , to also sail, I want my KING who is in me..