Anatomical Structure
Also a superficial scraping in the anatomical structure is carried through to be treated, being indicated in the areas of insertions ligamentares and tendneas. The draining consists of a superficial landslide in the region with the side of the hook biggest, promotes a relaxation and increase of it arrives in port sanguineous place. The Crochetagem Mio-Aponeurotic optimizes a lesser tack and fibrose enters the different plans boost glide of the muscles, tendes, ligaments and nerves, returning the mobility and the normal functions of these structures. Through the fine knowledge in palpatria anatomy and the application of crochets on the skin, the professional will be able to get better resulted. The technique has as objective to dissolve the crystals of oxalato of calcium that if they accumulate in different points of the musculatura and hinder the normal landslide them muscular layers and to improve the movements boost glide between the fscias.
As action mechanics, it acts in the scars that generate tacks gradually between plans boost glide tissulares. The crochetagem presents physiological effect in the colgenas staple fibres, that if guide parallel in the cicatrizao process, resulting in repair, fibrtico fabric formation diminished, increase of the force of the acometido tendo and improvement of its extensibilidade allowing it to support greaters levels of estresse longitudinal, destruction of the tacks that they fix the fabric-target to the structures to its redor and the existing ones between staple fibres of proper the fabric white, destruction of the corpsculos irritativos Inter-aponeurotic or mio-aponeurotic, hiperemia deep liberating bradicinina and histamina, resulting in vasodilatao and reduction of edemas, increase of fibroblastos and promotion of realinhamento of staple fibres of the colgeno, also occurs the stimulation of mecanorreceptores of great staple fibres that the inhibition will cause daily pay-sinptica in the spinal marrow, preventing the perception of the sensation transmitted for staple fibres small-diameter, the call ‘ ‘ effect comporta’ ‘. The described physiological effect offer to better conditions for the beginning of the cinesioterapia or return to the daily activities, therefore the formation of tacks and the increase of the fabric fibrtico limit the movement in the plans boost glide to tissular, compromising the extensibilidade and the functionality of the fabric injured, the loss of function result in reagravamento of the injury with micron laceraes, infamao and cicatrizao. The crochetagem has as important objective to interrupt this vicious cycle. Any disfuno to articulate, muscle-tendinea that have led to one fibrose or formation of tacks are indicated: muscular tendinopatias, pains, muscular contraturas and any followed pathology of retraction or fibrose of the aponeurticas fscias. The Technique becomes contraindicated in all the dermatological afeces, especially in that they cause fragility of the skin.